

34 Members
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20 May 2020
@georgia:westwork.orggeorgia joined the room.04:03:34
@trob:matrix.orgtrobRedacted or Malformed Event15:02:05
@trob:matrix.orgtrob * 15:02:34
@trob:matrix.orgtrob * 15:02:48
@trob:matrix.orgtrobActivity 2, "Do the Dashboard Collage" is available now! Intro video and instructions can be found at okthanks.com (https://okthanks.com/blog/2020/5/12/q6148amwc089vvcj56ixwc7jyd82f1)15:07:56
@trob:matrix.orgtrobDownload IMG_0006 2.mov15:09:58
@trob:matrix.orgtrobAND later today, look for the Podcast Panel Discussion on “Ethics of Computer Science”: Professor James Mickens, Harvard University and Dr. Gina Helrich, Internews (Audio coming soon to: En Garde! The Guardian Project Podcast: https://guardianproject.info/podcast/)15:10:09
@trob:matrix.orgtrobAll scheduled items and updates can be found on the **Clean Insights **website https://cleaninsights.org/event-schedule! Can't wait to see how you all _"Do the Dashboard Dance" _15:11:39
@globalashm:matrix.orgglobalashm joined the room.16:39:01
21 May 2020
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)The new podcast panel is up! https://guardianproject.info/podcast/2020/cleaninsights-ethics-in-compsci.html02:34:47
@_neb_rssbot_=40eighthave=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@eighthave:matrix.org] En Garde! The Guardian Project Podcast:
Clean Insights: Prof. James Mickens and Dr. Gina Helfrich on Ethics in Computer Science
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)_hc this is a great and timely post: https://guardianproject.info/2020/05/20/on-the-classification-of-tracking/14:59:46
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)we should share it with the cleaninsights folks for sure15:00:05

👯‍♀️ 🎪Ready to end the week on a high note? Come Join Us!

LIVE 10am EST, Tomorrow, Friday (May 22)
Join for the workout, just the drawing or both!

30min Workout 👯Led by a real NYC Lion Tamer
All fitness levels and capabilities welcome!
Learn movements to help with balance.
30min Draw with Me 🎨✏ Led by Okthanks owner, Carrie Winfrey **
(Will begin approx 10:30 am EST)
Co-create the Dashboard Collage Activity with Carrie
Link to join: https://meet.keanu.im/cleanInsightsLive**

*If you are using Safari and experience issues, please use Chrome or Firefox instead.

22 May 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40eighthave=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@eighthave:matrix.org] 08:49:39
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Ready to roll in 30 minutes. See you in the meet link!13:24:57
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)I am still on active parenting duty but will be there ready to roll.13:25:18
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)I will be attempting to record on my end as well13:33:10
@trob:matrix.orgtrob What a great session this morning! Thank you crwinfrey ! 15:12:05
@crwinfrey:matrix.orgcrwinfreyYou're welcome! It was super fun. Thank you all for your input! 15:16:09
Download IMG_20200522_101739~2.jpg
Download IMG_20200522_101821~2.jpg
@_neb_rssbot_=40eighthave=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@eighthave:matrix.org] En Garde! The Guardian Project Podcast:
Clean Insights: Data, People and Dignity Roundtable with Data4Change, Tor Project, Simply Secure and Okthanks
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he) Yes, yes, the podcast is up "Data, People and Dignity" featuring crwinfrey trob georgia and more! https://guardianproject.info/podcast/2020/cleaninsights-data-people-dignity.html 21:35:38
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)may22livefreeyourmind.jpg
Download may22livefreeyourmind.jpg
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)may22livefreeyourmind2.jpg
Download may22livefreeyourmind2.jpg
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he) trob: that's all i can get to today... will have to work on the video over the weekend. the audio is a bit of a bust for crwinfrey unfortunately, but I can post a video montage with music perhaps! :) 21:50:37
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)will see. happy friday all! more next week, starting Tuesday!21:50:47
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)(monday is a holiday here, so updated the schedule on the site accordingly)21:51:55

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