23 May 2020 |
Nathan GP (he) | I am still feeling the burn from yesterday.... Those squats! | 16:26:55 |
trob | In reply to @n8fr8:matrix.org I am still feeling the burn from yesterday.... Those squats! You can join Monday-Saturday 3pm EST if you want to join. https://zoom.us/j/429125716 | 19:49:07 |
trob | Open to all | 19:49:12 |
26 May 2020 |
Nathan GP (he) | I figured out how to get the chat room on the livestream! | 13:54:16 |
Nathan GP (he) | Anyhow, so we will be going live shortly here: https://meet.keanu.im/cleanInsightsLive | 13:54:27 |
Nathan GP (he) | Make sure to check out the data dashboard post and video up at: https://okthanks.com/blog/2020/5/12/q6148amwc089vvcj56ixwc7jyd82f1 | 14:03:34 |
Nathan GP (he) | openDP: https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/opendp (we will have a project lead as a guest on an upcoming podcast I hope!) | 14:23:47 |
Nathan GP (he) | New post from _hc "On the classification of tracking" https://guardianproject.info/2020/05/20/on-the-classification-of-tracking/ | 14:28:12 |
| mepiyush joined the room. | 14:54:02 |
F@bby .. She / Her .. |  Download IMG_20200526_102625.jpg | 15:27:16 |
Nathan GP (he) | excellente! | 15:32:44 |
Abel | Missed today's live meeting ☹︎ had a grumpy baby this afternoon. Did it go well? Looking forward to tomorrows activity and podcast however! | 16:26:38 |
Nathan GP (he) | Yes! A good sync up. I mainly asked for more time to do the data dashboard activity! | 16:39:35 |
Nathan GP (he) | More content coming up and some schedule updates I will be posting as well. | 16:40:02 |
gina_h | In reply to @n8fr8:matrix.org I am still feeling the burn from yesterday.... Those squats! My gluteous maximus was sore all weekend! | 16:41:19 |
Nathan GP (he) | New video is up ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D6DyUK5xbU&feature=youtu.be featuring the amazing #drawwithme talents of @cr | 22:51:55 |
Nathan GP (he) | @crwinfrey ! | 22:51:58 |
27 May 2020 |
@eighthave:matrix.org | hey all, here's the German Chamber of Commerce's guide to mapping out GDPR data: https://www.bitkom.org/sites/default/files/file/import/180529-LF-Verarbeitungsverzeichnis-ENG-online-final.pdf | 12:08:02 |
@eighthave:matrix.org | in English even! If you really want, it is of course also in German, with lovely words like Verarbeitungsverzeichnis and Verarbeitungstätigkeiten: https://www.bitkom.org/sites/default/files/file/import/180529-LF-Verarbeitungsverzeichnis-online.pdf | 12:09:20 |
@eighthave:matrix.org | sections 2.5 Contents and structure of the processing records and 2.6 Definition of a processing activity are probably the most interesting | 12:10:49 |
Nathan GP (he) | Ah yes I need to schedule our GDPR / lawyers discussion. | 12:11:13 |
RSS Bot [@eighthave:matrix.org] (deprecated) | Blog - Okthanks: Walking the Tightrope. An Endeavor of Balance. | 18:45:54 |
trob | Hey n8fr8 What's an app you use everyday? What do you think they know about you? What do you think they should know about you? Send an audio, I'd love to hear your thoughts! | 21:46:27 |
Nathan GP (he) |  Download tenor_gif1879335202432821648.gif | 21:50:23 |
Nathan GP (he) | Download 89fe2084.m4a | 22:38:26 |
trob | It's such a complex relationship. I feel that way about my bank app as well. It's interesting to me when I consider what do they need to know about me to make the relationship feel more secure or my process interacting with them to be better. | 22:51:47 |
trob | F@bby: It's your turn!! What's an app you use everyday? What do you think they know about you? What do you think they should know about you? Send the channel an audio! | 22:52:27 |
trob | Download tiff.m4a | 22:53:15 |
trob | Here are my thoughts about Signal. | 22:53:32 |
28 May 2020 |
F@bby .. She / Her .. | Download Pandora.mp3 | 04:45:13 |