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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement7 Servers

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4 Nov 2021
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymYeah, well. I develop for Matrix since over 2 years, but still I stumble over its behaviour once in a while... It is a really complex monster.13:33:35
@lukas:lw1.atLukasIndeed. At some time I was worried that it was a bad idea to try it out for the first time, but it seems to work fine now. And that even though hardly any attendee knows matrix or element at all13:34:47
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8The space they setup worked well. I could instantly see all the rooms for the event. Good idea!13:36:56
@lukas:lw1.atLukasI think it helps a lot that we have https://live.matomocamp.org/ which connects all the different moving parts and links between them13:37:36
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelyea that site is great13:38:03
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
In theory it should even work to join the #matomocamp:matomocamp.org space
my element fails to join this room saying that is is empty
@lukas:lw1.atLukasIt might be a feature that needs one of the latest element clients13:39:57
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 btw, welcome Lukas so glad to have you here! 13:44:56
@hzkbguceq6nt:neo.keanu.imGuest Penguin joined the room.14:41:47
@grmwd4nq1xc2:neo.keanu.imGuest Mantis joined the room.14:52:36
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckd joined the room.15:03:07
5 Nov 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Starting our workshop at Matomo Camp in a few minutes: https://live.matomocamp.org/ZBWZHJ08:58:13
@lukas:lw1.atLukas the room is #cleaninsights-workshop:matomocamp.org 09:02:23
@lukas:lw1.atLukasJust noticed: The e-Mail link at the bottom of https://cleaninsights.org/getstarted is broken.10:35:32
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Just noticed: The e-Mail link at the bottom of https://cleaninsights.org/getstarted is broken.
Thank you, Lukas! https://gitlab.com/cleaninsights/clean-insights-web-2/-/commit/6d3170db0cc9ec9a71c9f34a16ebc384f87d99c9
8 Nov 2021
@lukas:lw1.atLukasHi everyone. I got a first preview of the recording of Nathan's talk at MatomoCamp: https://video.matomocamp.org/w/kNyWFPgvbpR84QSSmykPdR It is yet missing an intro and some polish, but that also means that you can propose changes I can apply once I got the intro.21:53:05
10 Nov 2021
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Hi everyone.
I got a first preview of the recording of Nathan's talk at MatomoCamp:

It is yet missing an intro and some polish, but that also means that you can propose changes I can apply once I got the intro.
i like that you put in my musical "biding time" at the end as a blooper
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8otherwise, looks great!14:04:45
@lukas:lw1.atLukasThat recording needed a hidden track :)14:06:09
12 Nov 2021
@lukas:lw1.atLukasThe recording has been published: https://video.matomocamp.org/w/diyX79F4BuZK8211mw2fDK20:31:59
15 Nov 2021
@udjb3hlgsakj:neo.keanu.imGuest Turtl joined the room.15:31:43
16 Nov 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 queentakesjackfox: just brought this article to my attention: https://jezebel.com/the-spooky-loosely-regulated-world-of-online-therapy-1841791137 16:17:04
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8"During a session with a therapist, we found that metadata from every message, though not its contents, was also sent to the social media company, meaning that Facebook knew what time of day we were going to therapy, our approximate location, and how long we were chatting on the app. "16:17:21
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8"When we asked about this directly, Better Help declined to elaborate on why a social media company needed to know quite so much about when and how we were asking for help— details that were connected to our Facebook profiles, and thus our identities"16:17:45
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8What tends to happen with product companies like this is that there are core people who authentically want to provide a beneficial service, then you have the "professional product people" who somehow come in say "well this is how it is done", and drop in tons of analytics into everything, whether actually selling data is part of their business model. I have experienced this first hand, even in our privacy focused, human rights work.16:23:00
17 Nov 2021
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdRedacted or Malformed Event13:43:25
18 Nov 2021
@xdybdiuxan7j:neo.keanu.imGuest Jellyfish joined the room.03:05:36
22 Nov 2021
@lukas:lw1.atLukas Am I missing something or should https://cleaninsights.org/schemas/cimp.schema.json not return a 404? 11:58:30
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Am I missing something or should https://cleaninsights.org/schemas/cimp.schema.json not return a 404?
I get a 502 Bad Gateway. Where did you get that link from?

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