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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement7 Servers

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23 Nov 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8ah excellent! maybe i can catch some sessions still.14:00:34
6 Dec 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Privacy The Popular Family Safety App Life360 Is Selling Precise Location Data on Its Tens of Millions of Users The app is a major source of raw location data for a multibillion-dollar industry that buys, packages, and sells people’s movements18:47:23
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8perfect timing for us to launch https://encirculo.org18:48:09
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8(almost ready to go, just a few more beta bugs/features to finish)18:48:43
9 Dec 2021
19 Dec 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40eighthave=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@eighthave:matrix.org] En Garde! The Guardian Project Podcast:
ProofMode on the InterPlanetary File System
@udjb3hlgsakj:neo.keanu.imGuest TurtlDownload Dec 19, 2021 3:10 PM.webm13:10:56
@cnotovt8zg6t:neo.keanu.imGuest Hippo joined the room.14:50:26
20 Dec 2021
@irl:irl.xyzirli still find it strange that we've ended up in a situation that it's normal to need a "cookie management system" because reading some article on a website requires that many cookies to be placed on your computer10:30:44
9 Jan 2022
@queentakesjackfox:matrix.orgqueentakesjackfox set a profile picture.21:47:41
13 Jan 2022
@lukas:lw1.atLukasI find it fascinating how much their argument (https://gdprhub.eu/index.php?title=DSB_(Austria)_-_2021-0.586.257_(D155.027) has more details) is based on the fact that Google LLC is an US business (instead of as I expected on what Google is actually doing with the data).15:28:19
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckd Lukas: I think this is just the most potent legal attack vector the EU can find in effort to stop this wholesale surveillance. 15:35:52
@lukas:lw1.atLukasIndeed and it might be even more powerful as it is harder for companies to argue against (compared to providing long arguments that their users are technically accepting a contract and therefore consenting or similar things)15:38:40
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdPRIO has been brought to the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) recently: https://crypto.stanford.edu/prio/paper.pdf I wonder if there is an intersection between Clean Insights and this work. 15:44:16
In reply to @r3ckd:matrix.org
PRIO has been brought to the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) recently: https://crypto.stanford.edu/prio/paper.pdf I wonder if there is an intersection between Clean Insights and this work.
interesting indeed
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 gina_h: apologies if I forgot, but did you submit a clean insights session to rightscon? 21:48:49
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8we still have 7 days!21:48:53
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_hI haven't been working on a Clean Insights session for RC, but if folks have ideas I'm happy to pitch in!21:52:38
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8I think carrie may have, but double checking. 21:52:49
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 invited @lol:nang.zom.imlol (she/her).21:53:04
14 Jan 2022
@lol:nang.zom.imlol (she/her) joined the room.15:30:46
2 Feb 2022
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc"In bad news for US cloud services, Austrian website’s use of Google Analytics found to breach GDPR" https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/12/austrian-dpa-schrems-ii https://noyb.eu/en/austrian-dsb-eu-us-data-transfers-google-analytics-illegal10:09:05
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcThis could mean a whole lot more opportunities for Clean Insights!10:09:21
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdWe were shown some documents relative to Russia recently, and my reading of their new legislation is that "sending of Russian citizen data to foreign countries" (== Google Analytics) was part of the reasoning to start blocking and DPI.13:26:52
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcmakes sense, given that the NSA can legally get all the data that flows into the US16:10:59
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcits a really bad precedent that the US is pushing here16:11:19
3 Feb 2022
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcAnd more news on consent: https://www.iccl.ie/news/gdpr-enforcer-rules-that-iab-europes-consent-popups-are-unlawful/10:34:18

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