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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement7 Servers

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3 Feb 2022
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc"EU data protection authorities find that the consent popups that plagued Europeans for years are illegal. All data collected through them must be deleted. This decision impacts Google’s, Amazon’s and Microsoft’s online advertising businesses. "10:35:01
9 Feb 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Clean Insights pull request into Mailvelope ! https://github.com/mailvelope/mailvelope/pull/78816:09:33
10 Feb 2022
@irl:irl.xyzirlfrance getting in on google analytics fines14:30:20
@lukas:lw1.atLukasAn English article: https://noyb.eu/en/update-cnil-decides-eu-us-data-transfer-google-analytics-illegal16:29:54
12 Feb 2022
14 Feb 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Download Clean Insights by Nat Friday 1.mp414:51:56
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Happy Valentines Day!14:54:26
15 Feb 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8And now, another "Clean Insights" by Nat Friday: https://twitter.com/guardianproject/status/149358310475735449613:50:44
Room Avatar Renderer.14:01:28
16 Feb 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Another day, another clean insights from @n8fr8 in today's episode "The Son is the Product"... https://twitter.com/guardianproject/status/149395175246234010114:20:59
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdGreat explanation, Dad15:08:01
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_hGoogle comes out as the #1 polluter, no surprise17:37:28
In reply to @gina_h:matrix.org
Google comes out as the #1 polluter, no surprise
Wow that is a whole nother angle to all of this.... Fuel for tomorrow's deep thoughts...
17 Feb 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Did you know we make privacy-preserving caffeinated treats for humans? https://twitter.com/guardianproject/status/149440317913142477420:11:26
@_neb_rssbot_=40eighthave=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@eighthave:matrix.org] En Garde! The Guardian Project Podcast:
Fabiola and David discuss IPFS, Filecoin and the Decentralized Web
18 Feb 2022
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymHey, you fixed the Apple Podcast connection. Great!17:14:18
24 Feb 2022
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_hdoes CI have any connection with https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/ppm/about/ ?14:17:59
In reply to @gina_h:matrix.org
does CI have any connection with https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/ppm/about/ ?
David started to look at it and brought it to our attention. I know Ben so makes sense to reach out, especially if there will be any Vienna discussions
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckd gina_h: This PPM proposal is about "sharding" measurement data across multiple entities/fronts than then recompose it for upstream use by collectors/warehousers. If you look at the recent Austrian lawsuit, EU courts are now interpreting the GDPR in light of the "backhaul" data not the front-end collection (that is, not the website logging access but the collected data sent in-bulk back to Google et all). In my estimation, PPM is a solution to this backhaul problem (not the front-end problem to which CI is a solution). PPM has some interesting theories about who operates the sharding/collecting entities which, net, my kill the entire proposal in my view. But, since it's the organizations that live by this data that are proposing this solution, we can be sure it will get a thorough airing at IETF (== multiple interoperable implententations before standardization). 15:56:37
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckd * gina_h: This PPM proposal is about "sharding" measurement data across multiple entities/fronts than then recompose it for upstream use by collectors/warehousers. If you look at the recent Austrian lawsuit, EU courts are now interpreting the GDPR in light of the "backhaul" data in addition to the front-end collection (that is, not the website logging access but the collected data sent in-bulk back to Google et al). In my estimation, PPM is a solution to this backhaul problem (not the front-end problem to which CI is a solution). PPM has some interesting theories about who operates the sharding/collecting entities which, net, my kill the entire proposal in my view. But, since it's the organizations that live by this data that are proposing this solution, we can be sure it will get a thorough airing at IETF (== multiple interoperable implententations before standardization). 15:57:40
1 Mar 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8We have a lot of exciting news coming on the Clean Insights front (SDK updates, new implementations, MORE COFFEE!!!), but wanted to share this breaking news now: https://guardianproject.info/2022/02/28/privacy-preserving-analytics-in-the-real-world-mailvelope-case-study/ - so glad to have this outcome with Mailvelope team13:18:13
8 Mar 2022
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI just saw a talk by a woman who is "chief trust officer" at https://mostly.ai, they are doing some interesting work around "synthetic data". Basically, taking collections of PII and synthesizing data sets that behave similarly, but are entirely made up09:01:25
@eighthave:matrix.org_hclike those headshots generated by AI, but for PII big data collections09:01:42
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Also, here is an interesting related effort to define the rules of ethical metrics, I think it could make sense to have Internews, GP, and others sign it: https://sfdora.org/ "The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (SF DORA)"09:09:09
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
I just saw a talk by a woman who is "chief trust officer" at https://mostly.ai, they are doing some interesting work around "synthetic data". Basically, taking collections of PII and synthesizing data sets that behave similarly, but are entirely made up
@lol:nang.zom.imlol (she/her)Very interesting.15:20:52
16 Mar 2022
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