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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement6 Servers

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16 Mar 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)Download _Mailvelope__Clean_Insights_Impact_Report.pdf15:52:26
@trob:matrix.orgtrob Yay!! 15:52:40
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)Excited to share these... first of 4 impact reports we'll be publishing here, and on our site.15:52:50
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)this builds upon the blog post published a few weeks ago: https://guardianproject.info/2022/02/28/privacy-preserving-analytics-in-the-real-world-mailvelope-case-study/15:53:15
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he) Thanks to trob for leading the charge! 15:58:14
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdHey CI team, I am starting to get questions from potential CI customers related to how the partly-offline, mostly-offline, or heavy-social-sharing apps we create ("anynews" on a butterbox, eg) can fit into the analytics picture. These customers are driven by metrics not for "surveillance economy" reasons but "justify the number of people you serve" reasons. The more apps focus on "the long tail", the more gathering usage data from the endpoints will be useful. Can CI help?16:29:42
21 Mar 2022
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdJust found out about OpenEthics and their "transparency protocol", brought to the IETF today: https://openethics.ai/oetp/10:22:33
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckdGeneral idea is to have "nutrition labelling" for websites. Idea is to improve transparency.10:23:25
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)
In reply to @r3ckd:matrix.org
General idea is to have "nutrition labelling" for websites. Idea is to improve transparency.
hmm, that may have come from another BKC Assembly project: https://datanutrition.org/
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)
In reply to @n8fr8:matrix.org
this builds upon the blog post published a few weeks ago: https://guardianproject.info/2022/02/28/privacy-preserving-analytics-in-the-real-world-mailvelope-case-study/
this message keeps popping to the bottom for some reason. strange.
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)
In reply to @n8fr8:matrix.org
hmm, that may have come from another BKC Assembly project: https://datanutrition.org/
though it is generally a common good concept!
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he) * (deleted)14:52:35
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)I guess the founder of the OpenEthicsAI work is Ukrainian, tweeting from a bomb shelter there, while his talk/session is going on at IETF :( 15:00:41
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)https://lukianets.com/about/bio/15:00:42
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)https://twitter.com/guardianproject/status/150592183390798643415:00:53
23 Mar 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)ConveneImpact.png
Download ConveneImpact.png
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)"Convene" clean insights impact report posted: https://cleaninsights.org/impact23:39:21
28 Mar 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)Viral marketing campaign underway 08:08:19
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)(no crime is being committed here)08:08:30
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)PXL_20220328_075339138.MP.jpg
Download PXL_20220328_075339138.MP.jpg
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)PXL_20220328_075917569.MP.jpg
Download PXL_20220328_075917569.MP.jpg
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)PXL_20220328_075051864.MP.jpg
Download PXL_20220328_075051864.MP.jpg
30 Mar 2022
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he)https://twitter.com/guardianproject/status/150918464387829350815:07:05
@queentakesjackfox:matrix.orgqueentakesjackfox (they/them) changed their display name from queentakesjackfox to queentakesjackfox (they/them).16:54:44
@queentakesjackfox:matrix.orgqueentakesjackfox (they/them) changed their profile picture.16:57:55
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 (he) changed their display name from n8fr8 to n8fr8 (h).17:01:19
31 Mar 2022
@fabby:matrix.orgF@bby .. She / Her .. changed their display name from F@bby to F@bby .. She / Her ...17:19:10
18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot joined the room.10:11:10
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot left the room.10:11:11
25 Apr 2022
@irl:sr2.ukirl joined the room.13:27:37

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