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28 May 2021
@echoa1s:matrix.orgechoa1s joined the room.14:54:54
@hamidoutxyz:matrix.orgtweek joined the room.15:04:44
@_discord_254948283074609152:ipfs.ioNero joined the room.16:02:55
@awesomesheep48:matrix.orgawesomesheep48 changed their profile picture.16:14:41
@ljmf0null:matrix.orgljmf0null joined the room.16:15:41
@mceldeen:matrix.orgmceldeen joined the room.16:20:59
@kevin:downey.familyhiredman joined the room.16:54:52
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanDoes anyone know if CloudFlare IPFS caches IPNS? Like, if I change the hash my website links to, will I have to wait for the cache to expire on /ipns/example.com?17:03:04
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanAnd if so, does anyone know how long the cache lasts?17:04:49
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianThat's a great question, I've never used their gateway, personally. I've heard it might use one though, not sure I remember when exactly I heard that though.17:05:29
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianCould always just try publishing something a couple times and check it out?17:05:49
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanI know it uses caching, but I would hope it only caches /ipfs/17:06:11
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanI use a pinning service (Pinata), so I probably donโ€™t need to use CFIPFS. What gateway can I use instead? dweb.link?17:07:09
@fusetim:matrix.orgFuseTimIt surrely uses caching on HTTPS endpoint, weirdly, I never had the issue using the HTTP endpoint17:07:12
@fusetim:matrix.orgFuseTimyou can check: https://ipfs.github.io/public-gateway-checker/17:08:17
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanI love how that site says cf-ipfs is faster than cloudflare-ipfs17:10:53
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanAt least for me17:11:18
@awesomesheep48:matrix.orgawesomesheep48Not for me, probably just your location17:11:29
@awesomesheep48:matrix.orgawesomesheep4810.via0.com is my fastest one17:11:49
@awesomesheep48:matrix.orgawesomesheep48What do the hearts mean on that page?17:12:38
@fusetim:matrix.orgFuseTimjorropo.net is the fastest one (likely because it hosted in my country)17:12:41
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanDoes anyone know what Iโ€™d do if I want to host a gateway?17:14:20
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanWithout paying Pinata $20/month?17:14:38
In reply to @awesomesheep48:matrix.org
What do the hearts mean on that page?
Meaning the same as Origin
@fusetim:matrix.orgFuseTim According to the source code css div.Node.origin div.Link::after { content: " ๐Ÿ’š" } 17:17:02
@fusetim:matrix.orgFuseTim * According to the source code div.Node.origin div.Link::after { content: " ๐Ÿ’š" } 17:17:09
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianYeah origin isolation, gets a heart because that's really important, and not widely supported yet.17:19:24
@_slack_filecoinproject_US7UEQUAU:ipfs.ioCharles Cao - FilSwan
In reply to@faynealdan:matrix.org
Does anyone know what Iโ€™d do if I want to host a gateway?
Buy a HTTPS certificate and install ncgix?
@joris.gutjahr:matrix.orgCSDUMMIIs there a performance bottle-neck with IPFS Pin?17:25:24

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