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26 Jul 2024
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Welcome :) 13:30:41
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <n​ikola> (: 13:30:52
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2 joined the room.14:49:54
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2Hello, Am new here. Would appreciate any help with PBP issue,please. Can't install pmOS to PBP eMMC. Error message: 'Card did not respond to voltage select!: 110. eMMc boot failed.' When I try to boot from SD in microsd slot on PBP, the message: 'Boot partition not found' although pmOS logo appears. Am able to boot pmOS from a Sandisk Mobilemate reader with a Lexar 32g SD card. After a quick search, it seems this is emmc not recognizing the card? Or, u-boot & other areas of PBP need reconfiguration. Not sure if it is SD card size or not. Any suggestions or solutions welcome. Thank you.14:58:31
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Hi l​gmpbp2! 15:14:05
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Truncated after "it seems this i" 15:14:29
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> What bootloader are you using and how? 15:14:45
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> You're able to boot with that reader how, on PBP with USB? 15:15:22
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> As a general note, PBP is nothing special, treat it as any other arm64 board. 15:17:44
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [T] <W​Sabillon> After a quick search, it seems this is emmc not recognizing the card? Or, u-boot & other areas of PBP need reconfiguration. Not sure if it is SD card size or not. Any suggestions or solutions welcome. Thank you. 15:18:16
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> I need to see more information to tell anything sensible. 15:19:07
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Logs, photos etc. 15:19:12
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Also answers to my questions. 15:19:17
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Are you using u-boot? Where is it booting from and what version of u-boot? 15:20:07
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> Please provide full log from it. 15:20:13
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [T] <W​Sabillon> Yeah, I was just pasting the part the bridge truncated 15:20:53
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2Thank you. Will get back to you with more info later on. 15:23:48
Download 1000000282.jpg
Download 1000000288.jpg
Download 1000000289.jpg
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2Tow-boot. Boot with reader in PBP ( 64 G Lexar microsd). Image 1. Attempt to install pmOS plasma on PBP eMMC with tow boot-18:27:00
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2Image 2. Attempt to install pmOS Plasma on PBP SD with tow-boot; Image 3. pmOS Plasma on SD card in reader on PBP with tow- boot. Read that eMMc & SD aren't recognized? And, that timing is off? Thank you. Cheers18:29:42
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> l​gmpbp2: so you're able to fully boot pmOS from a USB card reader (so USB Mass Storage) with Tow-Boot on PBP. And it fully works etc, you just want the same on eMMC? 22:00:10
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> l​gmpbp2: image 2 tells me Tow-Boot does its job fully but then pmOS is confused with something, can you show the contents of whatever file you have there that controls the loading (/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf probably?) 22:01:21
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <P​aulFertser> l​gmpbp2: and on the first picture it's showing that it can't talk to eMMC at all. Are you sure the eMMC board is inserted and the jumper is in the right position (not closed thus not shorting clock to ground)? 22:02:27
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2Thank you. Yes, I want to install pmOS on pbp. I'll check the eMMC tomorrow (am busier these day but working on getting pbp going. appreciate your responses). I'll try to find the file you want to see, too. I may download pmbootstrap of pmOS onto a different sd card and hope that helps, too. 23:47:54
27 Jul 2024
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <H​yoomin> Anyone know how to get chkrootkit going on Manjaro? 00:17:03
@p64protocolbot6:matrix.orgPINE64 Protocol Bot 6 [I] <H​yoomin> It doesn't appear to be in any of the usual default places, and I'm having difficulty finding a relevant Manjaro or Arch bit of instruction. 00:17:51
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2 * Thank you. Yes, I want to install pmOS on pbp. I'll check the eMMC tomorrow (am busier these day but working on getting pbp going. appreciate your responses). I'll try to find the file you want to see, too. I may download pmbootstrap of pmOS onto a different sd card and hope that helps, too. Later-- there is a message that says, "Bad CRC, using default method' -this means the hard drive is corrupt?03:04:54
@lgmpbp2:matrix.orglgmpbp2 * Thank you. Yes, I want to install pmOS on pbp. I'll check the eMMC tomorrow (am busier these day but working on getting pbp going. appreciate your responses). I'll try to find the file you want to see, too. I may download pmbootstrap of pmOS onto a different sd card and hope that helps, too. Later-- there is a message that says, "Bad CRC, using default environment' -this means the hard drive is corrupt?03:09:44

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