

39 Members
Discussing the Basis project (a decentralized system that enables an economy based on the free association of producers) -- https://basisproject.net/6 Servers

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6 Sep 2023
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan PetrangeloIt only makes sense to impose type classes on algebraic sum types in such a way that automatically maps the sum type implementation to whatever variant you have06:38:44
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangelo* It only makes sense to impose type classes on algebraic sum types in such a way that automatically maps the sum type implementation to that of whatever variant you have06:39:16
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangelo* It only makes sense to impose type classes on algebraic sum types in such a way that automatically maps a call on the sum type’s methods to the implementation for whichever variant you have06:40:12
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan PetrangeloIt would feel ergonomically similar to OO polymorphism, using the enum in a vector with automatic access to all the trait’s methods, but be better in practice because the enum would still be restricted to the variants you specify even if more implementations of the traits exist, and you don’t need any fat pointers along the way06:48:45
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangelo/soapbox lol06:48:56
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangelo* It would feel ergonomically similar to OO polymorphism, using the enum as a generic in a vector with automatic access to all the trait’s methods, but be better in practice because the enum would still be restricted to the variants you specify even if more implementations of the traits exist, and you don’t need any fat pointers along the way06:49:27
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangelo* It would feel ergonomically similar to OO polymorphism, using the enum as a generic in a vector with automatic access to all the trait’s methods, but be better in practice because the enum would still be restricted to the variants you specify even if more implementations of the traits exist, and you wouldn’t need any fat pointers along the way that would hurt performance a little each time they are invoked06:50:50
@ivanrancic:matrix.orgkrzno changed their display name from ivanrancic to krzno.14:10:25
8 Oct 2023
@medicineseller:halogen.city@medicineseller:halogen.city left the room.10:40:04
13 Oct 2023
@paycheck:cyberia.clubpaycheckjust got around to reading the newly updated version. Good job Andrew! Still excitedly watching the project.19:33:36
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewthanks! still lots of work to do, but making progress on the foundational stuff.19:42:39
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan PetrangeloOh, I guess I should post this concept in here too lol https://github.com/npetrangelo/WASM-in-Docker19:46:15
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewi had a similar idea a long time ago, but instead of wasm/docker, websites would ship a small bit of JS that grabs jobs, processes them, and posts results back. the idea is idle web clients could do things like fold protiens and whatnot. i think these days, most of these projects get hijacked by crypto mining bs unless there are some stringent entry requirements19:48:45
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan PetrangeloOf course they are 🙄19:49:35
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewi'm curious too...does wasm have any networking capabilities or can you only do that in wasi?19:49:57
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangeloidk, but I just googled and found this https://github.com/http-wasm19:54:26
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewi think nodejs can run wasm natively too, so you can compile your rust modules to wasm and embed them in node, which is much easier to compiling to native for each target platform19:55:45
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewhaven't messed with it yet though.19:56:01
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan PetrangeloI don't think you have to do that, there are cross platform wasm runtimes nowadays19:56:41
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewfor sure, but if you're doing stuff in node already and want to embed anything that compiles to wasm, you don't need any extra tools19:57:16
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangeloyeah19:57:26
30 Nov 2023
@kaichao:matrix.orgKaichao changed their profile picture.11:18:05
11 Dec 2023
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrew changed the room topic to "Discussing the Basis project (a decentralized system that enables an economy based on the free association of producers) -- https://basisproject.net/" from "Discussing the Basis project (a decentralized system that enables an economy based on the free association of producers)".07:22:44
15 Dec 2023
@craigoverend:matrix.orgcraigo joined the room.23:54:39
20 Dec 2023
@kawaiipunk:autonomic.zonekawaiipunk (she/they) changed their display name from kawaiipunk (they/she) to kawaiipunk (she/they).00:11:11
14 Mar 2024
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan PetrangeloMy girlfriend and I are finally ready for people to help us make our app Kinbox a reality! This is our stab at this problem space. https://discord.gg/9QvKaPEfM2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RCgpusCV2yHGM-sdo3rMVWSJPYU7waDO2K_-DVmMOH0/edit?usp=sharing22:19:38
@holobrine:matrix.orgNathan Petrangelo andrew Excited to hear what you think 22:20:11
19 Mar 2024
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewhey sorry it took a few days, been working long hours this week17:11:47
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewinitial thoughts are that i like it quite a bit. it's definitely a model i haven't seen before. i do like the mechanic of turn-based giving. i think this will work great for medium-scale projects ("help me build a shed") where people spend a few hours helping each other or exchanging things like a bike they don't use or food items. i'm curious how it might work for things like housing...larger ticket or more ongoing things. there are also other dynamics i'm interested in, like if i help you build your shed but you never mark the stamp as completed, what recourse do i have? are there mechanisms for avoiding people who take advantage?17:19:31
@orthecreedence:matrix.organdrewoverall, i like the idea. i know a person who's heavy into gift economics and might have some thoughts for you as well. i can put you in touch over email if you want (message me here andrew@killtheradio.net )17:22:47

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