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1 Mar 2023
@panekj:matrix.orgpjdepends how you installed lapce19:15:02
@panekj:matrix.orgpjeither archlinux or nowhere19:15:20
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixFrom the package manager, and it correctly setup the .desktop; the icon is also there on the application sélectif when pressing super.19:16:31
@panekj:matrix.orgpjthen I don't understand why you open issue in Lapce repo19:17:40
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixWell considering this is the only software getting such issue, it rather seems to me something is wrong/missing from either Lapce binary or .desktop; I might also be wrong, obviously19:19:51
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixLooking at what you say I mitht understand that under thé salé environment but another distro, the same issue is nowhere to ne seen19:20:38
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixBe* seen*19:20:55
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepix* Be seen*19:21:10
@panekj:matrix.orgpjdoesn't matter, the proper way of reporting issues is that you go complain in AUR bug tracker or whatever place hosts lapce package19:21:25
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepix* Looking at what you say I might understand that under the same environment but another distro, the same issue is nowhere to ne seen19:21:47
@panekj:matrix.orgpjthat goes for all software on Linux because then you are informing a package maintainer of an issue and they can report that upstrea and/or fix the issue in the package19:22:01
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixDamn autocorrecting, makes me write some nonsense19:22:11
@panekj:matrix.orgpj * that goes for all software on Linux because then you are informing a package maintainer of an issue and they can report that upstream and/or fix the issue in the package19:22:14
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixFor me issue is to be reported to the distro only if the issue is really coming from it, or if you have no idea. That doesn't seems to be the case to me here though again I can be wrong. But then it might be interesting in that case to hear from someone else on Gnome/Wayland on another distro.19:28:13
@panekj:matrix.orgpjNo, issues are always reported to distro. It's the OS you are using. It's the OS that provides the package.19:28:59
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixI disagree here. Though you can think this is a distro issue and I should have reported the issue to the distro in this particular case, distro maintainers/and packagers simply don't have the bandwidth to reopen every single issue upstream. And if people should only report issues to distros, then issue's authors on repos should only be distro maintainers/packagers.19:33:14
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepix* I disagree here. Though you can think this is a distro issue and I should have reported the issue to the distro in this particular case, distro maintainers/and packagers simply don't have the bandwidth to reopen every single issue upstream. And if people should only report issues to distros, then issue's authors on repos should only be distro maintainers/packagers. Which, by far, isn't the case.19:35:01
@welteam:matrix.orgwelteam Porkepix: pj is right here. The software you use was made and provided by your distro. You need to report bugs back to them. They are the ones most likely to determine the source of the issue anyway. 19:38:43
@welteam:matrix.orgwelteamEspecially on something which has nothing to do with the software anyway like a desktop icon19:39:48
@panekj:matrix.orgpjyes, don't listen to the dude that maintains packages for a distro, surely he cannot be right19:40:27
@welteam:matrix.orgwelteam* Porkepix: pj is right here. The package you use was made and provided by your distro. You need to report bugs back to them. They are the ones most likely to determine the source of the issue anyway.19:41:06
@Porkepix:matrix.orgPorkepixThat's not what I said, and my last answer was rather an answer to what I understood (maybe wrong, my English by far isn't perfect), which was that every single bug report should be done to the distro. For that particular one, maybe that's what I should have done, though I get the feeling the distro is merely using what's provided in the releases (https://github.com/archlinux/svntogit-community/blob/packages/lapce/trunk/PKGBUILD#L37-L44), but maybe this isn't what's expected here and yes I completely admit I don't master very well things related to graphical environments and those files, even though I talked about similar topics recently again with an upstream project19:52:24
@panekj:matrix.orgpjyes and as I said, package maintainer can: - report the issue upstream - fix package19:53:58
5 Mar 2023
@du:uxn.one@du:uxn.one changed their profile picture.21:11:28
7 Mar 2023
@s.d.d.:matrix.orgs.d.d. joined the room.15:25:15
8 Mar 2023
@adevries:matrix.turtlesnet.cloud@adevries:matrix.turtlesnet.cloud left the room.02:46:06
@doaN:matrix.orgdoaNDownload Voice message.ogg17:44:52
@doaN:matrix.orgdoaNDownload Voice message.ogg17:44:59
@doaN:matrix.orgdoaNDownload Voice message.ogg17:45:21

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