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16 Jul 2024
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejis the file at that URL what you would expect?17:38:49
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejit doesn't specify a file pattern, i wonder why it doesn't work for all filenames17:40:22
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveej it's not the content. if i just cp flake.nix default.nix the latter gets syntax highlighting whereas the former doesn't 17:41:05
@panekj:matrix.orgpj it applies to all files with .nix extension 17:41:13
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveeji agree it should, it doesn't do it though17:41:36
Download image.png
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveej now i'm also realizing that most nix files do syntax highlighting without that highlights.scm in my homedir. just flake.nix don't 🤔 17:47:59
@panekj:matrix.orgpjwhich lapce version are you using?17:50:04
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveeji think i'm onto the root cause here. it looks like a race condition. if i open flake.nix after lapce initialized it highlights17:50:51
@panekj:matrix.orgpjit runs on separate thread which is why it doesn't appear instantly18:33:36
In reply to @panekj:matrix.org
it runs on separate thread which is why it doesn't appear instantly
i expected it to kick in eventually without user interaction. if lapce remembers the workspace and opens some files upon launch, it should eventually syntax highlight them without user actions
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejthis is already tracked as an issue: https://github.com/lapce/lapce/issues/325618:53:36
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejbtw., even though lapce has some rough edges i really like it for the SSH functionality which just works ™️18:54:09
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejalthough i can't get nix syntax highlighting via SSH at all so far 🙈 does it have to run the LSP server (nil, in this case) on the remote machine or locally?18:55:56
@jsejcksn:matrix.orgjsejcksn joined the room.20:08:21
@jsejcksn:matrix.orgjsejcksn changed their display name from jsejcksn to Jesse.20:08:33
@jsejcksn:matrix.orgjsejcksn changed their display name from Jesse to jsejcksn.20:08:54
18 Jul 2024
In reply to @steveej0:matrix.org
although i can't get nix syntax highlighting via SSH at all so far 🙈 does it have to run the LSP server (nil, in this case) on the remote machine or locally?
pj: any idea if syntax highlighting is supposed to work when developing remotely? i'm not getting any notification about the LSP (nil) having problems, but i also can't find it in the process list on the remote server. when i develop locally i can see it there. how do i debug this?
@panekj:matrix.orgpjit should, there isn't anything in remote development that should affect local highlighting10:27:20
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejcan i get any debug logs that tell me what's not working?10:28:07
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejis the plugin config taken from my local machine or read by the proxy on the remote machine? because it does contain the path to the LSP which is only valid locally, not remotely10:28:55
In reply to @steveej0:matrix.org
can i get any debug logs that tell me what's not working?
F1 > Open log file
In reply to @steveej0:matrix.org
is the plugin config taken from my local machine or read by the proxy on the remote machine? because it does contain the path to the LSP which is only valid locally, not remotely
plugins are valid only per-host, but lapce settings applies globally
In reply to @panekj:matrix.org
F1 > Open log file
thanks, that log file is empty so that's a dead end
In reply to @panekj:matrix.org
plugins are valid only per-host, but lapce settings applies globally
yep i can see the plugins are installed on the remote host. i'm wondering if the plugin settings are read from my local host and used in the proxy. it sounds like you mean that with "globally".
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveeji've confirmed that if i set an LSP path in my local config that is available on the remote machine it uses that and starts the LSP10:46:26
22 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxat to iaxatx.07:52:16
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxatx to x.07:59:44
25 Jul 2024
@digit4lsh4d0w:matrix.orgdigit4lsh4d0w changed their profile picture.07:37:08

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