

183 Members
Talk about the Lapce editor. https://lapce.dev/29 Servers

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13 Jun 2023
@deft:matrix.org@deft:matrix.org joined the room.17:58:26
@deft:matrix.org@deft:matrix.org joined the room.18:10:12
@deft:matrix.org@deft:matrix.org left the room.18:10:13
14 Jun 2023
@alokmahor:matrix.orgAlok joined the room.12:15:09
@alokmahor:matrix.orgAlokHow can I format javascript code in Lapce editor?12:15:44
15 Jun 2023
@auronandace:matrix.org@auronandace:matrix.org joined the room.15:51:08
@hpux735:matrix.orghpux735 joined the room.16:53:13
@havfo:matrix.org@havfo:matrix.org joined the room.18:47:29
@havfo:matrix.org@havfo:matrix.org left the room.18:48:09
17 Jun 2023
@coffee:envs.net@coffee:envs.net left the room.13:51:00
18 Jun 2023
@camping_andy:matrix.org@camping_andy:matrix.org joined the room.07:41:55
@john:matrix.freelock.comJohn joined the room.21:14:07
19 Jun 2023
@manta:blackline.xyz@manta:blackline.xyz joined the room.20:17:25
24 Jun 2023
@tengkuizdihar:matrix.orgFPS DEV GUY (izdihar) joined the room.06:11:04
@wildwestrom:nitro.chatwildwestrom joined the room.08:26:31
25 Jun 2023
@locness3:envs.net@locness3:envs.net joined the room.18:25:43
26 Jun 2023
@lanesun:matrix.orglanesun joined the room.07:18:08
27 Jun 2023
@restf:matrix.org🍸 joined the room.13:39:00
28 Jun 2023
@scubyg:matrix.orgJohnny-Castaway changed their display name from IronChicken to Johnny-Castaway.23:46:09
29 Jun 2023
@mygnu:matrix.org@mygnu:matrix.org joined the room.10:03:38
30 Jun 2023
@locness3:envs.net@locness3:envs.net removed their profile picture.20:01:04
1 Jul 2023
@camping_andy:matrix.org@camping_andy:matrix.org left the room.07:00:49
3 Jul 2023
@f1oron:matrix.orgf1oron joined the room.18:02:03
5 Jul 2023
@starryuwu:converser.eu@starryuwu:converser.eu joined the room.05:52:45
@anubhavkini:matrix.org@anubhavkini:matrix.org left the room.17:11:18
6 Jul 2023
@1nt:matrix.org@1nt:matrix.org set a profile picture.14:20:25
@1nt:matrix.org@1nt:matrix.org changed their profile picture.14:20:35
7 Jul 2023
@gzmorell:matrix.org@gzmorell:matrix.org left the room.14:51:15
8 Jul 2023
@sumater:matrix.orgSumater joined the room.06:13:50
@1nt:matrix.org@1nt:matrix.org left the room.22:13:56

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