

183 Members
Talk about the Lapce editor. https://lapce.dev/29 Servers

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21 Oct 2023
@mar:kescher.at@mar:kescher.at changed their profile picture.13:20:38
22 Oct 2023
@malice:malic.ee@malice:malic.ee left the room.01:29:16
25 Oct 2023
@hkr_at:matrix.orghkr_at joined the room.19:12:48
26 Oct 2023
@aylamz:cat.casa@aylamz:cat.casa joined the room.13:35:21
@aylamz:cat.casa@aylamz:cat.casa left the room.13:36:56
27 Oct 2023
@quantenzitrone:matrix.orgzitrone changed their display name from Quantenzitrone to qz.11:56:58
29 Oct 2023
@dennisv:matrix.orgDennis joined the room.07:03:05
1 Nov 2023
@titaniumtown:matrix.org@titaniumtown:matrix.org joined the room.13:32:50
@titaniumtown:matrix.org@titaniumtown:matrix.org left the room.13:33:27
3 Nov 2023
@ric21000:matrix.org@ric21000:matrix.org joined the room.09:17:17
@curious-r:matrix.org@curious-r:matrix.org joined the room.19:28:48
5 Nov 2023
@mar:kescher.at@mar:kescher.at changed their profile picture.08:57:00
6 Nov 2023
@kremzli:arcticfoxes.net@kremzli:arcticfoxes.net joined the room.13:01:39
8 Nov 2023
@mexplorer:synod.immExplorer joined the room.22:19:38
12 Nov 2023
@spooni431:matrix.org@spooni431:matrix.org joined the room.18:11:00
@spooni431:matrix.org@spooni431:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:17:15
@toger5:matrix.orgTimo K. I am not sure 18:19:15
@toger5:matrix.orgTimo K. there were some comments that the bridging is not stable to discord and they maybe want to stop bridging it 18:19:49
@toger5:matrix.orgTimo K. (but I am not sure tbh) 18:19:57
@spooni431:matrix.org@spooni431:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:21:42
@mar:kescher.at@mar:kescher.at left the room.19:35:49
@panekj:matrix.orgpjThe bridge is already disabled20:45:55
@bram:vdb.network@bram:vdb.network left the room.23:08:35
13 Nov 2023
@charles_big_toe:matrix.org@charles_big_toe:matrix.org left the room.15:31:27
@sam:matrix.octosrv.me@sam:matrix.octosrv.me left the room.17:25:55
16 Nov 2023
@duddywhale:mozilla.org@duddywhale:mozilla.org joined the room.12:11:48
@duddywhale:mozilla.org@duddywhale:mozilla.orgnot active?12:15:18
@panekj:matrix.orgpjnever was12:34:00

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