

195 Members
Talk about the Lapce editor. https://lapce.dev/32 Servers

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29 Dec 2023
@spooni431:matrix.org@spooni431:matrix.org left the room.12:25:04
1 Jan 2024
@calisti:tchncs.de@calisti:tchncs.de left the room.18:46:04
2 Jan 2024
@nikunjkumarnakum:matrix.org@nikunjkumarnakum:matrix.org joined the room.06:49:34
@nikunjkumarnakum:matrix.org@nikunjkumarnakum:matrix.org left the room.23:48:25
3 Jan 2024
@pwyllcrusader:matrix.org@pwyllcrusader:matrix.org left the room.19:45:41
7 Jan 2024
@zoechi:matrix.orgzoechi joined the room.14:48:13
8 Jan 2024
@catenane:matrix.org@catenane:matrix.org left the room.01:17:43
11 Jan 2024
@lotosbin:matrix.orgbin^2 joined the room.15:26:34
13 Jan 2024
@j:garz.dev@j:garz.dev joined the room.14:53:10
16 Jan 2024
@reliant-reindeer:matrix.orgReliant Reindeer joined the room.19:21:25
25 Jan 2024
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpod joined the room.15:46:22
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodI wanted to join on Discord, but the silly 100 server limit prevents me15:47:09
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodSo here I am, I guess x)15:47:18
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodDoesn't seem all that active hehe15:47:33
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodBut anyway15:47:36
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpod I wanted to give lapce a try, but I can't get it to work at all. I've tried both the latest v0.3.1 release and the latest nightly (2c08177), with no success. Invoking it with -w doesn't show anything particularly useful in the logs, apart from:
2024-01-25T15:49:01.588516Z ERROR lapce_app::keypress: Failed to load from "/home/tmpod/.config/lapce-nightly/keymaps.toml": no keymaps
(happens in both release and nightly)
Any idea what might be wrong here?
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodI'm running on Linux 6.6 with KDE Plasma 5.2715:50:24
@panekj:matrix.orgPJwhat is "can't get it to working"15:50:30
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodSorry, should have been more precise hehe It opens the window, but it's completely unresponsive. KDE even greys it out.15:51:14
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodClosing the window works, after some seconds; I don't have to kill it15:51:30
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodI can't even move the window around15:52:06
Download image.png
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpod (yes I have fortune | cowsay piped into my shell greeting :p) 15:52:50
@panekj:matrix.orgPJthe issue has been reported already15:52:51
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpod (yes, I have fortune | cowsay piped into my shell greeting :p) 15:52:53
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodCan you send the link?15:53:30
@panekj:matrix.orgPJ changed their display name from pj to pj/m.16:45:41
@panekj:matrix.orgPJ changed their display name from pj/m to pj.16:58:25

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