

183 Members
Talk about the Lapce editor. https://lapce.dev/29 Servers

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25 Jan 2024
@adroit:matrix.orgAdroit joined the room.19:09:20
26 Jan 2024
@ark-lamp-umbrella:catgirl.cloudark-lamp-umbrella joined the room.09:23:48
@ark-lamp-umbrella:catgirl.cloudark-lamp-umbrellaAre there any guides for making plugins with something other than rust?09:25:24
27 Jan 2024
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas Paranjpe joined the room.02:15:30
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas ParanjpeIs this the best Vscode alternative that's written in Rust?02:16:09
@abartlet:ozlabs.org@abartlet:ozlabs.orgI did see this come up in recommendations. I tried and couldn't make it work for me - but plan to keep an eye on it.06:20:51
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas Paranjpe
In reply to @abartlet:ozlabs.org
I did see this come up in recommendations. I tried and couldn't make it work for me - but plan to keep an eye on it.
Same with me
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas ParanjpeI noticed it's faster than Vscode but not as usable20:09:53
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas Paranjpeone thing that's inconsistent is when hovering over Rust variables, the type doesn't always show up above it20:10:13
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas Paranjpeand in Vscode I can move the cursor up and select the type, but in Lapce the rectangle disappears if you try to hover over it20:10:40
29 Jan 2024
@fallaciousreasoning:matrix.orgfallaciousreasoning joined the room.05:18:33
@fallaciousreasoning:matrix.orgfallaciousreasoning tmpod: I get the same issue on Ubuntu 23.10. Crashes with failed to load keymaps.toml 05:20:29
In reply to @fallaciousreasoning:matrix.org
tmpod: I get the same issue on Ubuntu 23.10. Crashes with failed to load keymaps.toml
that's not the crash message
@panekj:matrix.orgpjalso not the same issue05:25:22
@fallaciousreasoning:matrix.orgfallaciousreasoningAh sorry, just assumed, as it was the only output from Lapce before it crashed05:32:21
@jelmer:matrix.orgJelmerSame, I'd really like to see this project succeed but so far I've repeatedly tried lapce and each time run into different bugs :-/15:45:18
@abartlet:ozlabs.org@abartlet:ozlabs.orgI do like the push back against the every-app is built on a JS engine, and I look forward to a future success here.21:38:34
31 Jan 2024
@buzz-dee-5e42e880d73408ce4fd95ae0:gitter.imBuZZ-dEE joined the room.12:56:36
@buzz-dee-5e42e880d73408ce4fd95ae0:gitter.imBuZZ-dEE changed their display name from BuZZ-dEE (Sebastian Schlatow) to BuZZ-dEE.12:57:00
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas ParanjpeI also wanted to try out Zed but last time I checked it's not available for Linux18:04:12
1 Feb 2024
@toger5:matrix.orgTimo K.Its still not... But they open sourced it so I would be very surpriced if it does not get compiled for linux soon10:00:00
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas Paranjpe
In reply to @toger5:matrix.org
Its still not... But they open sourced it so I would be very surpriced if it does not get compiled for linux soon
Yeah. I saw an issue on their GitHub asking for Linux and flatpak support. If they put it on flatpak that would be super convenient for me
3 Feb 2024
@slamrani:gnugen.chQuillasp joined the room.02:05:05
4 Feb 2024
@xentec:matrix.orgxentec (Old) changed their display name from xentec to xentec (Old).19:13:06
8 Feb 2024
@tanph:matrix.orgTan Pong Heng joined the room.03:27:43
13 Feb 2024
@mrdev023:matrix.orgmrdev023 joined the room.14:21:35
15 Feb 2024
@sumater:matrix.orgSumater changed their display name from Lőrinc Del Motte to Sumater.17:02:56
18 Feb 2024
@sigmasd:matrix.orgsigmasd joined the room.17:45:55
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn joined the room.23:52:17

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