
Jami, formerly "GNU Ring" - ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Self Support Community for community self support.

602 Members
F(L)OSS cross-platform decentralized softphone & IM, which also includes SIP, positioned as a potential free Skype™ replacement. ••• Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jami_(software) ••• Web: https://jami.net/ ° GitLab repo': https://git.jami.net/ ° See also, archived info' which includes the announcement of the name change.: https://web.archive.org/web/20181226012459/https://ring.cx/en/news ° Note: some old links, to be updated later.° https://ring.cx/en ••• FAQ: https://ring.cx/en/documentation/faq ••• OS Platforms: https://tuleap.ring.cx/projects/ring/ ° For Android, F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/wiki/page/cx.ring ° https://f-droid.org/packages/cx.ring/ ••• Wiki: https://tuleap.ring.cx/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/ring/index.php/Main_Page ••• News: https://ring.cx/en/news ••• mailto: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/ring ••• https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/137937/how-does-ring-cx-really-work-and-how-secure-is-it/162603#162603 ••• Diagram of: Centralized, Distributed, Decentralized¦Federated, p2p: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25986477/30628328-3955834c-9dc5-11e7-8351-958a3ec51be3.png °°° https://maidsafeplatform.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/networksv2.png ••• Room is "World Readable" or what IRC calls "Logged" on: https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23GNU-Ring:matrix.org ••• Listed: https://matrixstats.org/room/!fzwUPYqNMjVQbXvfZO:matrix.org ••• For sharing: #GNU-Ring:matrix.org • https://riot.im/app/#/room/#GNU-Ring:matrix.org ° https://matrix.to/#/#GNU-Ring:matrix.org ° [#GNU-Ring:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#GNU-Ring:matrix.org) ••• Keywords/Tags: #gnuRing #Ring #Decentralized-P2P #P2P #Privacy #Secure ••••61 Servers

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28 Jun 2024
@eliton95:matrix.orgeu95 left the room.06:23:58
30 Jun 2024
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org changed their display name from Hesh. our Veilid framework group #veilid:matrix.org to Hesh. Veilid framework #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org.15:40:12
@insurgo:matrix.orgtlaurion aka Insurgo [UTC-4] changed their display name from tlaurion aka Insurgo [UTC-4] to tlaurion aka Insurgo [UTC-4] (Canadian Dominion holiday, back July 2nd).17:28:23
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:45:09
1 Jul 2024
@schluepferstuermer:matrix.orgSchluepferstuermer joined the room.12:36:20
@schluepferstuermer:matrix.orgSchluepferstuermer left the room.13:14:19
2 Jul 2024
@donvoi:matrix.orgNyikero Gordon joined the room.02:10:37
@insurgo:matrix.orgtlaurion aka Insurgo [UTC-4] changed their display name from tlaurion aka Insurgo [UTC-4] (Canadian Dominion holiday, back July 2nd) to tlaurion aka Insurgo [UTC-4].12:37:53
3 Jul 2024
@marciosantos219721:matrix.orgMarcio Santos joined the room.17:51:31
@marciosantos219721:matrix.orgMarcio Santos left the room.17:51:58
4 Jul 2024
@shridder:matrix.orgshridder joined the room.03:50:45
@shridder:matrix.orgshridder left the room.05:35:55
5 Jul 2024
@azxswed:matrix.orgqazsw set their display name to qazsw.04:53:43
@franklyiamtaken:matrix.orgfranklyiamtaken joined the room.16:02:19
7 Jul 2024
@leadqa:matrix.orgQA B joined the room.19:18:31
10 Jul 2024
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org set a profile picture.12:22:34
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org changed their display name from Hesh. Veilid framework #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org to Hesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org.12:26:11
13 Jul 2024
@blacknote:matrix.orgюл (tab) left the room.04:32:48
@bundasmanu:matrix.orgGustavo Almeida joined the room.09:39:33
@bundasmanu:matrix.orgGustavo Almeida left the room.09:40:37
15 Jul 2024
@supportgallery:matrix.org@supportgallery:matrix.org joined the room.13:50:30
@supportgallery:matrix.org@supportgallery:matrix.org joined the room.14:49:03
@supportgallery:matrix.org@supportgallery:matrix.org left the room.14:49:07
17 Jul 2024
@obscure:hackliberty.orgobscure joined the room.13:12:55
18 Jul 2024
@mohmedsaif512:matrix.orgmohmedsaif512 joined the room.23:34:02
@mohmedsaif512:matrix.orgmohmedsaif512Do you want to earn money with this giant site? You will earn hundreds of dollars from the best, most famous and credible sites. You can earn $50 a day through some simple tasks such as downloading applications, completing offers and questionnaires, or by watching advertisements. This is the best site and has been working for many years. I have been working on it since I was working on this site and I have earned a lot of dollars through many methods and the minimum withdrawal limit is small. Hurry and register on the site. This is the site link👇👇 https://www.coinpayu.com/?r=Saifmohmed هل تريد ان تكسب المال مع هاذا الموقع العملاق سوف تكسب مئات الدولارات من افضل المواقع شهره ومصداقيه تستطيع ان تكسب 50 دولار في يوم من خلال بعض المهمات البسيطه مثل تنزيل التطبيقات او اكمال العروض والاستبيانات او من خلال مشاهده الاعلانات هاذا افضل موقع ويعمل من سنوات عديده وانا اعمل فيه منذ وانا شغال في هاذا الموقع وكسبت الكثير من الدولارات و طرق السحب كثيره والحد الادنئ لسحب قليل سارع وسجل في الموقع هاذا رابط الموقع👇👇 https://www.coinpayu.com/?r=Saifmohmed23:43:32
21 Jul 2024
@francisjosek:matrix.orgFRANCIS JOSE joined the room.14:06:53
@obscure:hackliberty.orgobscure changed their profile picture.17:20:26
@mohmedsaif512:matrix.orgmohmedsaif512 left the room.21:48:33
24 Jul 2024
@ekiac98:matrix.orgCaikeSKappler left the room.21:33:46

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