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28 Jun 2019
@grin:grin.hugrindon't look at me, I didn't do anything. but had to patch it for 4 params due to crashing.16:45:10
@grin:grin.hugrincan be python version Y vs. version Z?16:45:26
@grin:grin.hugrinwas pulled by virtualenv... so it should not... I guess...16:45:47
@niklas:matrix.nr205.de@niklas:matrix.nr205.de joined the room.20:29:08
29 Jun 2019
"The ID in the path does not match the ID of the uploaded plugin"
@grin:grin.hugrinfor a downloaded release file.12:05:31
@tulir:maunium.nettulirwhich one and did you try to upload it on top of a different plugin?12:05:51
@grin:grin.hugrinnot that I know of12:06:02
@grin:grin.hugrinbtw same for reactbot12:06:38
@grin:grin.hugrinbut not for echo12:06:49
@grin:grin.hugrin * what's compared to what12:07:26
@grin:grin.hugringot it12:09:03
@grin:grin.hugrin the UI is extremely misleading 12:09:17
@grin:grin.hugrinI try to phrase it12:09:23
@tulir:maunium.nettuliryou tried to upload it on top of a different plugin?12:09:44
@grin:grin.hugrinsame looks12:09:51
@grin:grin.hugrinand Big Button has no name12:10:01
@grin:grin.hugrinit shall be "UPGRADE" here and "UPLOAD NEW" there12:10:15
@grin:grin.hugrinand the message doesn't help either.12:10:29
@grin:grin.hugrinit could add "did you just try to overwrite the plugin with a different one?"12:10:56
@grin:grin.hugrin(Else: echo plugin say "no instances" while there is clearly one active and working)12:12:13
In reply to @grin:grin.hu
(Else: echo plugin say "no instances" while there is clearly one active and working)
refresh, it doesn't update those
@grin:grin.hugrinRedacted or Malformed Event12:13:58
@whykickamoocow:mesomer.comAdam Spurgeon joined the room.22:09:24

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