
Formula 1

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6 Apr 2024
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgslicewell done on bottas for getting out of q106:19:48
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgsliceocon too06:20:43
7 Apr 2024
@somone77:somnet.ioSomone77Happy race time all 04:57:04
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990god i hate ESPN's browser app sometimes04:58:06
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990finally got it to load as they're showing off the front of the grid lol...04:58:34
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990the way they handle this is annoying04:58:45
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990lol Zhou taking his time pulling up05:03:45
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990oh no was that ricc?05:04:43
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990yup. albon and ricc05:05:23
@marcus687:matrix.orgmarcus687Albono noo05:06:25
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990seems it was way more ricciardo's fault than albon's05:07:06
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990ricc just had no clue albon was alongside05:07:16
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgsliceall on ric, goddamn05:07:37
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgslicebit of a stroll move tbh05:08:04
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990they just showed stroll. he was pretty solid in his line05:08:37
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgsliceno i mean ricc not looking in the mirrors is stroll like05:08:50
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990 he had a slight jerk back to get off the grass 05:08:53
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990oh yeah05:08:55
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990i see what you mean05:09:01
@garthawk:matrix.orgTimberwolfIt's a racing incident sure, but it's a silly one that Ricc could have avoided05:12:00
@marcus687:matrix.orgmarcus687Anyone know where Martin Brundle is?05:16:13
@marcus687:matrix.orgmarcus687He's not commentating 05:16:24
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgslicei love the japanese fans so much05:16:48
In reply to @marcus687:matrix.org
Anyone know where Martin Brundle is?
i think he's just winding back on his races
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990i wouldn't be surprised if he's just easing into an eventual retirement05:18:37
@marcus687:matrix.orgmarcus687Yeah that's fair 05:18:54
@marcus687:matrix.orgmarcus687I like his technical inputs and tells things from the drivers perspective 05:19:13
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990yeah i love his color commentary05:20:55

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