
Formula 1

242 Members
Formula 1 Room | Space #motorsport:matrix.org | https://f1calendar.com/ | Watch live and archive races https://f1tv.formula1.com/57 Servers

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7 Apr 2024
@marcus687:matrix.orgmarcus687I like his technical inputs and tells things from the drivers perspective 05:19:13
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990yeah i love his color commentary05:20:55
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990but the ones that fill in do a decent enough job05:21:13
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990almost another 3 into 2 situation after the first hairpin05:37:18
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990uh oh05:54:08
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990i wonder if zhou is being retired?05:54:19
@gangstamouse:matrix.orgsliceat least it wasn't bottas this time05:54:24
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990for once05:54:32
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990shit yup05:54:52
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990lewis and dead tires. name a better combination.06:03:16
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990i dare you06:03:20
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990actually dont06:03:29
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990there are plenty lol06:03:33

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