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9 Dec 2022
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Everything now runs on one public IP, going to need reverse proxying, SSL, etc. 05:06:31
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 And an impending house move is consuming all of the mental resources I need to even attempt getting the dashboards working. 05:07:36
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 ah ok.. well i can try and help when time frees up.. i use caddy as my front end that does let's encrypt and then proxies to the back end. my caddy install runs outside of docker as does mrefd.. but the dashboard is in docker lol 05:09:04
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 wouldn't be too difficult to make it all run in docker though 05:09:42
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Yeah, I'm running mrefd outside of Docker as well. Tried running the Docker image of the dashboard, but it wouldn't start in my configuration. 05:10:11
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Reason I ran mrefd outside Docker was IPv6. Couldn't get that going in Docker. 05:10:34
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 unless you set it to use host networking probably 05:11:04
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 But yeah let me know when you're ready to help, your setup sounds rather similar to mine. 05:11:15
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 I've already got my own custom Docker network for everything (a dozen or more containers total). 05:11:40
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 But following the docs for getting IPv6 running resulted in the daemon not starting. 05:12:25
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 yeah i use ipv4 for everything.. will have to tinker with ipv6.. not as familiar with it and docker 05:12:59
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 I've got a /56, which should have made things simpler. 05:13:03
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 I implement IPv6 where possible, been native since 2011. 05:13:19
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 And tunneled on and off since around 2000. 05:13:30
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 my ISP doesn't give an IPV6 address so that doesnt help ha 05:13:33
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Mine gives me a /56. 05:13:48
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 and my hosting provider for the server where mrefd runs also gives me a /56. 05:14:15
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 thats nice wish i had that ha 05:14:18
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Yeah, being able to choose providers helps! 05:14:49
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 yeah Vultr supports ipv6 i just have to turn it on i think 05:14:59
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 thats where i host my stuff 05:15:07
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 With the NBN, there's a large degree of decoupling between the access network and the ISP. 05:15:20
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Yeah, I'm sure they do as well. I use a different host, thought I was going to have to try and carve up my /64, and saw that I actually have a /56. 🙂 05:16:09
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Speaking of NBN, new house has fibre to the premises. 🙂 05:16:36
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 as all new builds do nowadays. 🙂 05:16:47
@_discord_296437516188254208:t2bot.ioDaffy#2639 prob don't have to deal with NAT fun also 05:17:15
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Not on IPv6. 🙂 05:17:24
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Just have to open up the relevant ports in the router's firewall for inbound traffic. They're generally a stateful packet filter, so outbound connections need no special treatment. 05:18:08
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 Can even turn the firewall off for specific IPs on most routers. 05:18:33
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.iovk3jed#5126 When do you think you'll be able to help with my web stuff? Probably won't be able to do much until at least a few days after Christmas on my end, possible after New Years. 05:20:21

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