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23 Jul 2024
@jonn:tink3r.in@jonn:tink3r.in left the room.16:44:30
In reply to @devon:yuusyaas.com
i really enunciate my counter-lean when cornering
@m-martin:matrix.orgMatthieu Martin joined the room.20:12:15
24 Jul 2024
@zesty_zypper:jameskitt616.oneZesty Zypper (They/Them) changed their profile picture.03:52:48
@tripleace:matrix.org@tripleace:matrix.org left the room.06:11:11
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriotI see. I was hoping that somewhere someone came up with a better solution than this white death. For so long it has been dry I forgot to be more careful. It reminded of the time few winters back when I was riding fixed gear and did not notice that by back wheel was on a road marking when I have stopped on a red light. It took few spins of pedals before I took off. I guess the paint heated up and I got traction.10:41:30
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiomIt happened to me once to fall on an icy crossing, but it was a very dangerously icy day, I had just fallen on an icy asphalt slope already...12:09:11
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiom(I had ordered winter tyres but they hadn't arrived yet)12:09:11
25 Jul 2024
@magnificentmushroom:catgirl.cloudmagnificentmushroom joined the room.17:35:19
@zesty_zypper:jameskitt616.oneZesty Zypper (They/Them)
In reply to @straightedgeriot:matrix.org
Hello everyone.
I am curious if crossings in your countries as dangerous as here. I mean paint, it is really slippery. We had today a bit of rain, and even though I was cycling quite slowly at the turn of road there was a zebra crossing and I have fallen quite swiftly.
What is your experience?
USA citizen here.
They do cause some skidding if I stand on my pedals and push really hard on fresh zebra crossings. Other than that, I'm really just more worried about autumn leaves or black ice.
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriotWet autumn leaves may be worse, though that depends. One winter, a long time ago, there was again a zebra crossing going across bike path. I have slowed down, got with two wheels on one of the painted bars. I have done 90 degree turn sideways so fast that when I hit the ground I was still holding handlebars. Wheels where still in line with paint. Maybe that is a Polish thing? I have to read about what type of paint is used in US and in PL. I guess there have to be standards written down somwhere.18:39:18
@rudolff:matrix.orgrudolff Well, in 2 other european countries I did not spot any such issues. At least the parts I was cycling. Have no in depth info on the paint. So, not a wide spread problem. Albeit, it might change even by regions and maybe even by settlements. 20:18:42
@rudolff:matrix.orgrudolff😅 I recon the quality of the roads might be too good in PL and US.. 😜20:19:49
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdiat least where I live (central Europe) it's mostly issue when frosted even for pedestrians, but otherwise they changed "technology" and unlike some decades ago it's not slippery or dangerous under normal conditions or even when wet20:27:28
@mahdi:frei.chatmahdibut it may vary between regions, who knows20:27:43
@thefatman:catgirl.cloudthefatman joined the room.20:45:25
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriot @mahdi:frei.chat: little prince : ) (avatar) And that may be true, maybe I had bad luck with old types of paint still not being replaced. Recently I have seen few crews repainting bike crossings with road in a red paint that was not as even and shiny. Maybe that stuff is going to be better? I have seen it in a few other places, and I did not die there. Someone is willing to be a test subject? Haha. 23:37:46
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilYeah, they also use a tint of magenta at places to improve contrast and it has a more abrasive feel to it as well.23:43:13
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriotIt seems we are talking about similar paint. For now I could not find anything about what paint is being used. Well, maybe tomorrow I will have more luck. It may help me be a bit more safe.23:55:20
26 Jul 2024
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilI think the trick is that they mix in tiny pieces of broken glass or marbles which reflect light. Perhaps this contributes to a high number of tiny bumps on its surface.00:19:48
@bkil:matrix.orgbkil http://portal.mozz.us/gemini/freeshell.de/gemlog/2023-02-15_Bicycle__part_2.gmi
So yay, Swapfiets, I think. If I can find find a box/basket to fix to the front rack, I think I'm going to be happy with it.
@blutschwester87:tchncs.deblutschwester87 joined the room.07:16:12
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriotReally nice website : )11:55:20
@rudolff:matrix.orgrudolff Looks neat. I think I would even try one of those ebikes for those prices if I had money and if such a service would be available in my country.
Anyhow, a lot of ifs it is, now.
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriotInstead of bikes I have started looking deeper into geminispace. Seems cozy.18:48:40
@bkil:matrix.orgbkil We welcome you in #gemiweb0 then! 19:45:10
@straightedgeriot:matrix.orgstraightedgeriotI will read around there.22:36:32
In reply to @bkil:matrix.org
So yay, Swapfiets, I think. If I can find find a box/basket to fix to the front rack, I think I'm going to be happy with it.
Now I looked into the bikes. Interesting concept. Especially w Buzzbikes and option to buy the bike.
27 Jul 2024
@ajbura:matrix.orgajbura joined the room.01:45:42

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