
Fedimint Updates

822 Members
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5 Feb 2023
@_discord_970641167492460564:t2bot.ioQUN🧘 joined the room.02:14:31
@_discord_806122089823993936:t2bot.ioShyGuy joined the room.04:03:52
@_discord_928016103177879562:t2bot.ioDhruv Baliyan joined the room.07:29:49
@_discord_909833177151983666:t2bot.ioReacher joined the room.10:38:40
6 Feb 2023
@_discord_1017837021290573905:t2bot.ioODELL joined the room.01:29:03
@_discord_725592969096200193:t2bot.ioDhruv Baliyan joined the room.01:42:07
@_discord_913133336749305856:t2bot.ioelsirion#3472 Looks good, I agree with dpc 's comments 21:06:34
@_discord_999685318158602331:t2bot.iom1sterc001guy I sent out an example PR that does a database migration https://github.com/fedimint/fedimint/pull/1567

Let me know if there's any feedback, otherwise I'll begin refactoring and send out more polished PRs in smaller chunks
7 Feb 2023
Weekly Dev Call
Starting in about an hour

We cover all issues, pull requests, and other happenings in the project.

Agenda is posted a couple hours before the meeting here https://github.com/fedimint/fedimint/wiki


Scheduled for

1 hour

@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.iojustinmoon#6976 Notes: https://github.com/fedimint/fedimint/wiki/February-7,-2022 16:50:36
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.iojustinmoon#6976 Call: https://meet.jit.si/fedimintdevcall 16:50:43
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.iojustinmoon#6976 starting now dpc okjodom 17:03:36
@_discord_913133336749305856:t2bot.ioelsirion#3472 @room call happening now 🙂 17:04:15
@_discord_599658561294827520:t2bot.iochiefmonkey joined the room.18:04:27
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.iojustinmoon#6976 TIL: you can run nix develop .#cross to get nix shell which can cross-compile to wasm and android and stuff ... 22:38:27
8 Feb 2023
@_discord_600747518250188812:t2bot.iodeluge joined the room.02:48:01
@_discord_763485964487098388:t2bot.ioswlkr joined the room.03:07:40
@_discord_999685318158602331:t2bot.iom1sterc001guy For testing db migrations, I was thinking of modifying the integration tests so that they first copy an existing RocksDb folder from "some" location to the Federation member's rocksdb directories. This would force them to do a migration (if needed), then the integration test can proceed normally. Is there a location where I could store these Rocksdb backups? Probably not good practice to check them into the repo 19:57:03
@_discord_435613945730957322:t2bot.ioDulce joined the room.23:11:30
9 Feb 2023
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.iojustinmoon#6976 On Tuesday we didn’t choose a topic for Thursday call. One idea would be talking about dkg and setup experience. 05:21:00
@_discord_991024604946530394:t2bot.iokitman#5697 Talking about user feedback more often would be great...otherwise it's easy for us to get sidetracked by things are unimportant to the actual users. Also it'd be good to hear the results of the hackathon. 13:54:30
@_discord_903380664336928798:t2bot.ioChronicleBot#0372Redacted or Malformed Event16:00:22
@_discord_903380664336928798:t2bot.ioChronicleBot#0372Redacted or Malformed Event16:30:39
@_discord_188970140639952896:t2bot.iomd#9907 justinmoon elsirion any updates on the hackathon? 18:09:22
10 Feb 2023
@_discord_1071794569995354234:t2bot.ioMogashni(Mo) joined the room.09:43:38
@_discord_1062061184783749201:t2bot.ioDavidCarrington joined the room.10:55:24
@_discord_310583367269744640:t2bot.ioQuentin 🥖 joined the room.12:26:37
@_discord_908906688046833694:t2bot.ioRathin R joined the room.18:49:46
11 Feb 2023
@_discord_560192749870120971:t2bot.ioascii joined the room.00:10:41
12 Feb 2023
@_discord_769798687169445908:t2bot.ioamit joined the room.19:27:24

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