
OpenVoiceOS - General

344 Members
We need your help! We've decided to become a nonprofit association under Dutch law. OpenVoiceOS will be registered as OpenVoiceOS V.z.w. (Dutch: "Vereninging zonder winstoogmerk", a nonprofit association, as distinguished from a foundation.) The association will support the OVOS community in legal and financial matters by securing donations of cash, hardware, and other relevant aid. These donations will be used to facilitate software development, promotion, and support. To establish the association and equip it with a positive balance for ongoing expenses, we have determined that we need to raise €3033. We’re deeply grateful for any support. You can chip in at our GoFundMe campaign; https://www.gofundme.com/f/openvoiceos Sharing is caring and is very much appreciated. Please help us spread the word.41 Servers

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1 Feb 2025
@ramblurr:outskirtslabs.comramblurr I ordered three which arrived last weekend. Just hooked em up today and at first it didn't pair with HA but then I updated from 2024.10 to 2025.01 and then all three worked right away 17:02:26
@ramblurr:outskirtslabs.comramblurr The initial setup to get the PE on wifi is done over Bluetooth, so you have to use the HA app or your HA instance has to have Bluetooth 17:03:06

Initial impressions are good! I chose the Mycroft wakeword. It wakes reliably even from 2-3 m away.

Of course I'm not so thrilled with HA assist. It works fine for controlling HA entities but for everything else you might want to do.. well it isn't.

@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmfrench isnt supported yet locally so not an option for meee17:07:20
@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmbut will give it a try at some point for sure17:07:28
@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmmeanwhile OVOS + HA integration is already well functionning and does way more17:07:42
@ramblurr:outskirtslabs.comramblurrI'd love for these to be little OVOS satellites. The hardware is great.17:07:53
@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmi think for the same price range you can have diy hivemind satellites that would work the same no?17:08:21
@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmofc not as pretty haha17:09:20
@ramblurr:outskirtslabs.comramblurrSame price range probably. But these days I am time poor, not money poor.17:09:24
@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmi think you can have a linux running on the SoC that it uses so at some point maybe there'll be a simple flashing process to use the hardware and connect it to the hive17:10:51

I impulse bought these HA devices before Xmas on a whim and had them connected to HA in like 30 minutes.

Meanwhile the in progress OVOS satellites I started a year or more ago catches dust at my electronics workbench because I have no time to spare.

@delfshkrimm:matrix.orgdelfshkrimmyeah i feel you17:10:59
5 Feb 2025
@pauper:tchncs.de@pauper:tchncs.de joined the room.11:38:59
@blugill:matrix.orgHenry Miller joined the room.19:42:53
@blugill:matrix.orgHenry MillerI have a mycroft mark 1 which of course has been gathering dust for a few years. Is it worth trying to get this running again, I'm thinking of repurposing the pi3 inside for a home assistant dashboard, but I don't want to give up on voice sometime in the next couple years... I understand the mic on the mark I wasn't very good, and also the pi 3 is under powered. The first would mean give up (if I get the round to-it start from scratch), while the later would say upgrade it to a pi 4/5 if I do anything with it. Any advice before I tear this apart?19:48:30
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAItake this for a spin? https://github.com/OpenVoiceOS/raspOVOS19:49:07
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAIsupports mk1 out of the box19:49:11
@blugill:matrix.orgHenry MillerI know support exists, but that means take this apart (the SD card died is why I stopped using it), and at that point I have higher priority projects so it will be months before I try the installer.19:50:48
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAIupgrading to a pi4 is painless and makes it way snappier if you are up to iy19:50:54
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAI* upgrading to a pi4 is painless and makes it way snappier if you are up to it19:50:56
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAIi actually upgraded by mk1 to a pi with a broken sd card slot and am booting mine from a usb drive, but to enable usb boot you need to set a flag in config.txt so might not work for you either...19:52:41
@blugill:matrix.orgHenry Millerthat is what I was suspecting. I'll plan on upgrading it since I have to tear it apart anyway19:53:30
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAIraspOVOS is a ready to burn image, the ovos-installer is a different option but should also work19:53:35
@jarbasai:matrix.orgJarbasAIif you are into self hosting you can also use hivemind and make the mark1 a satellite device, see here for an idea of latency. even using a pi3 it can be very usable! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q6FAo_gPRms?feature=share19:55:43
@pauper:tchncs.de@pauper:tchncs.de left the room.22:30:46
6 Feb 2025
In reply to @jarbasai:matrix.org
upgrading to a pi4 is painless and makes it way snappier if you are up to it

I have 2 mark1's. One with the pi3, and one I put a pi4 in. I will see about making a STL of the backplate for the pi4 to make all of the peripherals accessible.

Also, a pi5 should fit in the mark1. A different hdmi cable will be needed, and HAS NOT been tested AFAIK. Also the RCA jacks will not work. But the backplane and raspOVOS should work.

Anybody who tests this, please let us know the results.


Also, anybody using, or trying to use a HiFiBerry product, please test this


This is specifically for the HiFiBerry DAC PRO, but if you have another, we can add support for that also.

@pete:pete-hamlin.com@pete:pete-hamlin.com left the room.06:40:12
7 Feb 2025
@buzz-dee:matrix.orgBuZZ-dEE joined the room.11:57:48

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