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12 Apr 2017
@freenode_helena:matrix.orghelena (IRC)and we will need a volunteer to lead this15:14:34
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)I was hoping that by making this a funding question the board could avoid making the criteria and/or decisions for each event.15:15:16
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)I suggest we have a timebound discussion on e-mail and try to arrive at a decision by 20 April.15:15:50
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)still this is only my idea, if I have made it too complicated we can choose another.15:15:51
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC) foss4g has a specific short term need, I just want to avoid using travel grants as a band-aid for high conference fees (my concern with venka's suggestion). 15:16:30
@freenode_mdsmithf:matrix.orgmdsmithf (IRC)i do like the idea of having it done by the event15:16:41
@freenode_mdsmithf:matrix.orgmdsmithf (IRC)then we get diversity in the funding grant approaches15:16:57
@freenode_helena:matrix.orghelena (IRC)so should we give foss4g2017 loc the funds and ask them to handle the travel awards?15:17:21
@freenode_mdsmithf:matrix.orgmdsmithf (IRC)or whomever15:17:32
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)I was going to propose we do a funding match with sponsors, to see if we can turn $10 used in 2016 (which we do not have in our budget this year BTW), into $20k.15:17:52
@freenode_mdsmithf:matrix.orgmdsmithf (IRC)funding the smaller events might bring more for the $15:18:06
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)agreed about funding smaller events and code sprint travel.15:18:30
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)(since community connection can happen at all different sizes of gatherings)15:18:49
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)I think this needs a discussion on e-mail.15:19:01
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)I woudl like to avoid the scramble and funny money games played on this topic for previous foss4g events.15:19:12
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)This item needs a discussion on e-mail.15:19:16
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)(where we basically say deduct it from the money you return to us)15:19:27
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)venka woudl you like to make a motion to take this to email?15:19:40
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)MOT6: Discuss about FOSS4G Travel Grant by email.15:20:08
@freenode_anitagraser:matrix.organitagraser (IRC)MOT6 +115:20:14
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)MOT6 +115:20:15
@freenode_mdsmithf:matrix.orgmdsmithf (IRC)MOT6: +115:20:18
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)MOT6: +1 Venka15:20:20
@freenode_kalxas:matrix.orgkalxas (IRC)MOT6: +115:20:20
@freenode_helena:matrix.orghelena (IRC)MOT6 +115:20:20
@freenode_maria_:matrix.orgmaria_ (IRC)MOT6 +115:20:42
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)item 8: Sponsorship updates15:20:43
@freenode_jgarnett:matrix.orgjgarnett (IRC)I will be quick, http://www.osgeo.org/content/sponsorship/sponsors.html15:21:01
@freenode_venka:matrix.orgvenka (IRC)Any update about the sponsorships?15:21:01
@freenode_sigq:matrix.orgsigq (IRC)Title: OSGeo Sponsors | OSGeo.org (at www.osgeo.org)15:21:03

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