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16 Jun 2024
@eyenseo:matrix.orgeyenseo joined the room.14:42:45
17 Jun 2024
@eliasp:kde.orgeliasp joined the room.13:20:44
18 Jun 2024
@mlundblad:matrix.orgmlundbladI specified API keys in http-options elements in https://github.com/public-transport/transitous/pull/372, but the GitGuardian gives warnings about exposed secrets06:07:02
@mlundblad:matrix.orgmlundbladI was kinda wondering if there would be some other option (I guess it could be possible to store those keys somewhere, and fetch them in the script), but that would still make it possible for some third party to get them06:09:19
@felix.guendling:matrix.orgFelix GündlingGitHub Actions (and probably all other solutions) allow you to store secrets that can then be accessed from the workflow.06:29:10
@eliasbohuntraivelling:matrix.orgeliasbohuntraivellingHi Open Transport community, I am trying to get in contact with the responsible people behind www.chronotrains.com The links on the about page seem to be not working. And on Twitter I can't reach the one Person written there. Pls Help! ❤️❤️ Thanks so much. 09:17:00
In reply to @mlundblad:matrix.org
I was kinda wondering if there would be some other option (I guess it could be possible to store those keys somewhere, and fetch them in the script), but that would still make it possible for some third party to get them
We could add a feature to the json format to fetch the token from an environment variable and then add that to the woodpecker CI
@jbb:matrix.orgJBBAlthough we currently have a split between woodpecker and GitHub Actions which would make this a bit annoying.11:48:56
@jbb:matrix.orgJBBSo far I've sometimes just leaked the token when I was pretty sure nobody would care. For the two other cases, I mirror them on my server, so the token is not needed in the json.11:50:41
@maelito:matrix.orgMaëlHis DM on twitter look open15:19:32
19 Jun 2024
@eliasbohuntraivelling:matrix.orgeliasbohuntraivellingThanks so much for you answer! I get no response there and wrote several massages over the last months. I also think that there are more poeple responsible for the project, (like Sarah Mamy for example) but I could not find any other possible contact form. It would be a huge help if someone here knew how to get in contact ❤️07:38:39
In reply to @eliasbohuntraivelling:matrix.org
Thanks so much for you answer!
I get no response there and wrote several massages over the last months. I also think that there are more poeple responsible for the project, (like Sarah Mamy for example) but I could not find any other possible contact form.
It would be a huge help if someone here knew how to get in contact ❤️
Did you already have a look at the GitHub repository: https://github.com/benjamintd/chronotrains Maybe raise an issue there or have a look at the profiles of e.g. Sarah Mamy for her contact details.
In reply to @jbb:matrix.org
So far I've sometimes just leaked the token when I was pretty sure nobody would care.
For the two other cases, I mirror them on my server, so the token is not needed in the json.
You have leaked the token into the forever history of the git repo
In reply to @jbb:matrix.org
Although we currently have a split between woodpecker and GitHub Actions which would make this a bit annoying.
That's the plan, to lock you in into the closed-source Microsoft Github platform and make the exit cost so high that it is alsmost impossible leave the platform. Even Forgejo (and Woodpecker?) are still living on GH and are not using their own software. So, just say no to GH Actions lock in.
@jbb:matrix.orgJBBThat's not the issue in this case, the issue is that we have two CI systems. 08:32:37
@jbb:matrix.orgJBBIt would be the same with to foss ones08:35:10
21 Jun 2024
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_U06BHPB16S3:matrix.orgDavid (TheNewCivilian) Hey! If anyone of you is interested in visiting the World Passenger Festival (train ticketing fair) in Vienna next week just ping me for free tickets. 09:42:16
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_U03MBJGQ0:matrix.orgstk FYI, Mobilitaetsdatengesetz ist am 3.7. als O-TOP (Tagesordnungspunkt mit muendlicher Debatte) im Kabinett vorgesehen. 10:43:59
@lehrenfried:matrix.orgLeonard EhrenfriedHello, XML invoices are becoming mandatory for businesses in Germany. I'm quite interested in this topic but I'm very confused about all these standards I read about (EN 16931, XRechnung, Factur-X, Finnvoice, PEPPOL BIS, UBL, CII...). I would like to start a chat community to learn how all of this fits together. If you're interested in that as well, join me at: https://matrix.to/#/#e-invoicing:matrix.org10:52:28
@davebloggt:kif.rocks@davebloggt:kif.rocks left the room.17:13:07
23 Jun 2024
@networkexception:chat.upi.li@networkexception:chat.upi.li left the room.22:14:49
25 Jun 2024
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_U073WFTB281:matrix.orgSteffi Invitation: HackDay @ Kreativsause 25-hour hackathon all about #ruralmobility! We are looking for people to join forces with us: hackers, activists, citizens and start-ups from the region, people in the transport industry and researchers. The HackDay is part of a series of events organized by the Smart Village Mobility Campus on the topic of “mobility in rural areas”, which is integrated into the Fläminger Kreativsause, the week-long creative, knowledge and maker festival. The HackDay is free, we are happy to exchange ideas and share new ideas! Our focus is on: ‣ Smart mobility solutions (digital bike offers, mobile stations, ride-sharing benches, regional bus transport) ‣ Data platforms for regionally usable open data ‣ Open data / open source projects (mFUND, Smarte.Land.Regionen, Smart City / Smart Region model projects) ‣ Tech & Tools (Cloud Services, AI, Open Source, Open Data, Open Street Map) ‣ Your individual topics! Register now: https://pretix.eu/smartvillage/hackday 🚂🚲🚜🚌🛴 Cheerleader, Stefanie #CodeForRuralMobility 15:03:42
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_UGVUY8V8V:matrix.orgPhilipp Wilimzig Da warst Du schneller als ich 🙂 Steffi 15:16:47
26 Jun 2024
@sdegroot:matrix.orgsdegroot joined the room.08:26:08
@gerdc:matrix.orgGerd CastanSelbst als Fußballbanause vermute ich, dass die EM heute wichtiger ist, als das OTM?08:26:54
@kevingrote:matrix.orgKevin Grote joined the room.08:27:04
@vkrause:kde.orgvkrause if FOSS software reading/producing those formats is also in scope you might want to invite Klaas Freitag freitag@kde.org there, he's involved with that 08:43:14
@vkrause:kde.orgvkrauseso weit ich weiß findet das OTM statt, mit einem Vortrag von Cornelius Schuhmacher über die Open Rail Association08:44:42
@lehrenfried:matrix.orgLeonard Ehrenfried vkrause: it's definitely in scope. i just want to become less confused. 09:20:17

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