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17 Apr 2024
@felix.guendling:matrix.orgFelix GündlingThanks! I asked the question on the OTP channel.15:28:53
@vkrause:kde.orgvkrausefixing the level tags will be needed regardless I think (not just for routing, we also need that for rendering). That's however also the more challenging thing to do, as technically the semantics of the level tag are only well-defined within a single building so far. But train stations can stretch half a city district and consist of multiple buildings and outdoor parts (for which level is entirely undefined, although widely used), and there is no solution yet for connecting different "level domains".15:39:59
@vkrause:kde.orgvkrauseLevel is a way too coarse vertical resolution unfortunately, finding a still easy to understand and map replacement/extension is hard though.15:40:22
@felix.guendling:matrix.orgFelix GündlingI also posted this on the OTP channel: I was thinking to make one run with the assumption that levels are tagged correctly (but nodes reused on multiple levels is fine) and if this didn't find a path, to search with the assumption that nodes are not reused on multiple levels (which lets me ignore the level information). If a path is found in the second run, the display of the path separated by level is probably wrong in some places but at least it finds a path. But I'm curious how OTP deals with it. Of course having correct data in the first place would be nice :-)15:54:58
@felix.guendling:matrix.orgFelix GündlingI'm checking Hamburg Hbf but until now I only found bugs in my implementation 🙈 not in the modeling.16:41:23
21 Apr 2024
@cleomenezesjr:matrix.orgCleo Menezes Jr.Hey, guys! Hope you doing well. I make frequent contributions in OSM, especially in the public transport part. I started contributing to bus routes myself using PTV2, but as it is known, it is a giant job. Then I discovered the transitous. I would like to start contributing, but I don't understand well where to start. I saw that at Transitland has information from the city that I contribute. Any roadmap that I can follow to start contributing and test it locally?04:46:02
@mlundblad:matrix.orgmlundbladand btw, when you create a PR it runs the CI pipeline, which does a test import from the changed feed files06:47:52
@cleomenezesjr:matrix.orgCleo Menezes Jr.
In reply to @mlundblad:matrix.org
and btw, when you create a PR it runs the CI pipeline, which does a test import from the changed feed files
tysm! Do you know what convention is used for json names?
@cleomenezesjr:matrix.orgCleo Menezes Jr.
In reply to @mlundblad:matrix.org
and btw, when you create a PR it runs the CI pipeline, which does a test import from the changed feed files
@mlundblad:matrix.orgmlundbladCC.json where CC is the ISO country code, or in some cases we have split it in CC-subnational.json where subnational is the ISO 3166-2 subdivision07:26:24
@mlundblad:matrix.orgmlundblad(such as US states, Canadian provinces)07:26:36
@lyupak:matrix.orgpi-cla (They/Them) List of all of the codes
@lyupak:matrix.orgpi-cla (They/Them)includes codes for subdivisions07:27:10
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_UP6S1ANUB:matrix.orgholger Could you please use the thread function, to keep the discussion close to the original question? Thx 07:27:50
@cleomenezesjr:matrix.orgCleo Menezes Jr.The client I use does not support threads :/18:40:34
@cleomenezesjr:matrix.orgCleo Menezes Jr.
In reply to @mlundblad:matrix.org
CC.json where CC is the ISO country code, or in some cases we have split it in CC-subnational.json where subnational is the ISO 3166-2 subdivision
Thx, gonna try something!
22 Apr 2024
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_UP6S1ANUB:matrix.orgholger Oh. What client are you using? Slack and (more or less) Element support them 07:59:49
@jbb:matrix.orgJBBFluffyChat for example doesn't, and I'd say that's one of the best clients apart from that.16:07:07
23 Apr 2024
In reply to @jbb:matrix.org
FluffyChat for example doesn't, and I'd say that's one of the best clients apart from that.
also, Fractal doesn't support it (yet): https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/fractal/-/issues/1240
@michaelsjp:matrix.orgJulian Psotta joined the room.14:50:52
24 Apr 2024
@aronkvh:beeper.comÁron Khttps://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/issues/533113:44:50
@aronkvh:beeper.comÁron Ksome talk about transitous here13:45:23
@aronkvh:beeper.comÁron Kare there docs on adding an operator that's not in transitland?13:55:26
@aronkvh:beeper.comÁron KI've looked into PRs but haven't found one missing from transitland yet13:55:46
In reply to @aronkvh:beeper.com
are there docs on adding an operator that's not in transitland?
I think there is a very brief section about http sources. You can also look at feeds/de.json for an example
25 Apr 2024
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_U0706U9DRD5:matrix.orgHoward Osborne joined the room.12:26:21
@_slack_openknowledgegermany_U0706U9DRD5:matrix.orgHoward Osborne changed their display name from _slack_openknowledgegermany_U0706U9DRD5 to Howard Osborne.12:26:24
@mlundblad:matrix.orgmlundbladhmm, https://github.com/public-transport/transitous/issues/260 it ran the postprocessing in the Brittany PR, so not sure what happened here…20:29:27
In reply to @mlundblad:matrix.org
hmm, https://github.com/public-transport/transitous/issues/260 it ran the postprocessing in the Brittany PR, so not sure what happened here…
Will have a look tomorrow, looks like there was nothing downloaded

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