

375 Members
Casual chess chat, bridged to IRC -- #chess on IRCNow.org -- Telegram -- https://t.me/irc_chess -- and Discord -- https://discord.gg/V2VeQf4sU312 Servers

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9 Dec 2023
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiwhere do you play?20:32:23
10 Dec 2023
@soggyrice:matrix.orgSoggsMainly chess com, though I intend to start on lichess soon.07:37:30
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhailichess is the best. my name is Zitronenhai. you can challenge me for a game if you like:)08:07:35
12 Dec 2023
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiwhats you name on chess com?11:12:27
26 Dec 2023
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiwhich openings do you guys like to play?18:14:28
30 Dec 2023
@onestepaway:matrix.orgSparkIT joined the room.22:56:46
2 Jan 2024
In reply to @zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.com
which openings do you guys like to play?
I only play endgames
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaigood idea. but how to get into interesting endgames which are not dead draw?22:02:39
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaievery time I trade down in order to play an endgame its just dead even22:03:08
7 Jan 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from .i ma gleua to la gleua.01:53:58
24 Jan 2024
@shady:asra.grshady changed their profile picture.11:59:40
31 Jan 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from la gleua to Mike was a gift.14:04:37
9 Feb 2024
@sicdoug:libchat.org@sicdoug:libchat.org left the room.14:51:13
16 Feb 2024
@sihaja:ari.ltsihaja joined the room.19:59:05
18 Feb 2024
@fdkol:matrix.org@fdkol:matrix.org left the room.18:35:47
26 Mar 2024
@hykq19:matrix.org@hykq19:matrix.org left the room.12:39:15
31 Mar 2024
@zebra:nocebo.ca@zebra:nocebo.ca left the room.20:27:43
13 Apr 2024
@allen_dema:matrix.org@allen_dema:matrix.org joined the room.15:33:23
@allen_dema:matrix.org@allen_dema:matrix.org left the room.15:36:46
18 May 2024
@side-trips:matrix.org@side-trips:matrix.org left the room.04:03:57
22 May 2024
@wahtosh:matrix.orgPassport joined the room.21:05:02
17 Jun 2024
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account joined the room.00:50:19
28 Jun 2024
@ambitious.silverfish:nitro.chat@ambitious.silverfish:nitro.chat joined the room.03:09:53
@ambitious.silverfish:nitro.chat@ambitious.silverfish:nitro.chat left the room.03:11:06
29 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from Mike was a gift to https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4.18:57:25
30 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4 to Mike was a gift.04:24:23
1 Jul 2024
@fauxsoleil:matrix.orgfauxsoleil joined the room.02:27:37
6 Jul 2024
@iskyline:matrix.orgiSkyLine joined the room.07:04:58
@iskyline:matrix.orgiSkyLineHello chat!07:05:45

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