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26 Jun 2024
@jo:asra.gr꠸ꪮsudo has this thing… but if someone already acts as root, you have to put up warning sings everywhere…12:54:51
@jo:asra.gr꠸ꪮlike: please don't copy your file to /dev/null since then /dev/null will be your file… or whatever.12:56:00
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbright, so if you're going to allow people to do "stuff" on production that breaks production, it might be a good idea to put up warning signs everywhere12:56:25
@jo:asra.gr꠸ꪮyeah or restrict access to stuff that breaks12:56:58
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbmonitoring and alerting are good admin tools as well12:57:58
@jo:asra.gr꠸ꪮyeah, do you want to get alerts?12:58:16
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbI would LOVE to get alerts, if I had the ability to address them12:58:47
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbhttps://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma free self-hosted monitoring tool 12:59:13
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbI have this setup for our makerspace. I get alerts for everything12:59:26
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbincluding things as simple as pi's for 3d printers being rebooted12:59:48
@leftyfb:matrix.orgleftyfbspeaking of which, I also created this to help members determine printer availability https://3dprinterstatus.com/13:00:23
@kritnich:kritni.chKritnich joined the room.15:23:17
@kritnich:kritni.chKritnichHey, I've been trying to verify my account on the wiki but the mail never reaches me for some reason. Can any staff help me?18:27:33
29 Jun 2024
@arkannon:matrix.orgArkannon joined the room.00:08:42
30 Jun 2024
@dcht00:matrix.orgdcht00 thanks ꠸ꪮ that one was on me, didn't properly clean up something I was working on 15:54:40
7 Jul 2024
@madron3:matrix.orgJohn joined the room.20:48:55
8 Jul 2024
@gsergey418:matrix.org@gsergey418:matrix.org left the room.16:36:00
12 Jul 2024
@cyber_hawk:matrix.orgcyber_hawk changed their profile picture.19:02:10
15 Jul 2024
@will:brad.liWill (he/him) changed their display name from will to Will (he/him).00:54:21
16 Jul 2024
@tchkh:matrix.orgSergYo joined the room.02:49:41
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.23:26:09
17 Jul 2024
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.00:26:20
18 Jul 2024
@noshirtedkeeper:matrix.orgnoshirtedkeeper joined the room.13:53:04
@frankbjorm:matrix.org@frankbjorm:matrix.org left the room.19:30:47
19 Jul 2024
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.21:23:45
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.21:23:54
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org left the room.21:24:06
22 Jul 2024
@gametabe:matrix.org@gametabe:matrix.org removed their display name neuer acc @servermensch:chat.dezentrale.space.21:14:51
25 Jul 2024
In reply to @kritnich:kritni.ch
Hey, I've been trying to verify my account on the wiki but the mail never reaches me for some reason. Can any staff help me?
hey, flew by me. did you check spam? have you solved it thus far? if not PM me your address and I'll check what's up
@kritnich:kritni.chKritnichdidn't fix itself, nothing in my spam, ill pm you18:30:18

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