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26 Apr 2024
@rugyada:matrix.orgrurustill something worth to keep in mind, before users start to cry 'Uhhh... OM crashing... booo... wth!' 😝10:09:30
@remx:matrix.orgremxyou guys dont like Qemu ?10:26:59
@rugyada:matrix.orgruruyes devs and advanced users do10:30:15
@rugyada:matrix.orgrurucommon users find it more difficult bc of no GUI10:30:41
@omginput:matrix.orgAndré Kaiser
In reply to @rugyada:matrix.org
common users find it more difficult bc of no GUI
You can simply use Gnome Boxes or virtmanager gui
@rugyada:matrix.orgruru André Kaiser you should tell it to the [common] users and "reviewers" - ppl keep using their preferred sw 11:00:51
@rugyada:matrix.orgruru btw I was replying to remx question 11:01:47

you guys dont like Qemu ?

@rugyada:matrix.orgrurudevs yes, common users probably not11:02:56
@remx:matrix.orgremxme too, i hate command lines of three kilometers ... I usually use aur/aqemu 11:03:38
@rugyada:matrix.orgruruand I'm caring of common users mostly11:03:50
@remx:matrix.orgremxyes virt manager is nice too once you "understand it"11:04:07
@remx:matrix.orgremxin many distros they are a pain, because of Rights issues, if that is setup automatically, it should be OutOfTheBox up thing11:05:27
@telegram_1907806975:t2bot.ioPaoloQ,uickget and quickemu are very interessing but dont support openmandriva11:00:19
@rugyada:matrix.orgrurualternative is also vmware but OM devs don't like proprietary things so they tend to not 'care' about it that much11:06:43
@remx:matrix.orgremxI forgot if vbox is just free or openSource and free11:08:21
@rugyada:matrix.orgrurupersonally I tend to have a bit different POV, to be pragmatic, but I'm not a dev and I prefer to follow the troops here :P11:08:49
@remx:matrix.orgremxmy opinion, vmware made it so seemless that you loose the security benefits of running a VM ... I mean in a way, the VM can alter the host ...11:09:36
@rugyada:matrix.orgruruidk -- just speaking of alternatives to vbox users can have and what it seems to use mainly looking at reviews (YT and such)11:11:55
@rugyada:matrix.orgruru * idk -- just speaking of alternatives to vbox users can have and what it seems they use mainly looking at reviews (YT and such)11:12:17
In reply to @remx:matrix.org
I forgot if vbox is just free or openSource and free
afaik it's OS otherwise it could not be in main repo
@rugyada:matrix.orgruru"VirtualBox' source code is licensed to you under the GPL"11:18:15
@rugyada:matrix.orgrurumore here https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Licensing_FAQ11:19:07
In reply to @telegram_1907806975:t2bot.io
Q,uickget and quickemu are very interessing but dont support openmandriva
That should be fixable
@berolinux:matrix.orgberolinuxIf I ever have a lot of spare time (not that I expect that to happen anytime soon, unfortunately), it shouldn't be too hard to build a VBox-like UI for qemu13:07:13
@berolinux:matrix.orgberolinuxUnfortunately I'm already a little overloaded13:07:24
@mandian:matrix.orgmandianimo virt-manager really fine. Just remented your user should be in libvirt groupt and the path of iso and VMs shoutl be readable and writable by libvirt-qemu user. Usually I set them with chmod 770 libvirt-qemu:libvirt so I have full access with my user too.13:28:25
@neb97:matrix.orgben79 Non-technical users and reviewers don't use Qemu. We have to test in VirtualBox, not doing so results in disastrous reviews and to many forum problems. It is hard to estimate but I guess 30% or more OMLx users are using it in VirtualBox. 14:49:27
In reply to @berolinux:matrix.org
If I ever have a lot of spare time (not that I expect that to happen anytime soon, unfortunately), it shouldn't be too hard to build a VBox-like UI for qemu
Sounds like a wonderful idea/goal to me. I am not sure if it solves the problem of all the users and reviewers that use VBox.
@neb97:matrix.orgben79But VBox can be a pill or some other 4 letter word...14:51:53

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