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5 Jun 2017
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgthis should not happen:22:30:04
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org In [40]: result1 = S.post('http://archive.noao.edu/search/send_simple_query', data={'ra':148.888, 'dec':69.065, 'searchbox':30.0,},) 22:30:04
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:30:04
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgIn [41]: result1.request.method22:30:05
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org Out[41]: 'GET' 22:30:05
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org ok, that's a redirect issue: 22:31:46
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org In [43]: result1 = S.post('http://archive.noao.edu/search/send_simple_query', data={'ra':148.888, 'dec':69.065, 'searchbox':30.0,}, allow_redirects=False) 22:31:47
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:31:47
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgIn [44]: result122:31:47
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org Out[44]: <Response [302]> 22:31:47
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgthere is something really tricky going on.22:35:25
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org if you go to http://archive.noao.edu/search/list_resources in the same browser that you've run a query already, does it show you the results of that query? It does for me, which implies it is using cookies (and only cookies) to retrieve the data. 22:40:22
@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.org@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.orgYeah, I see the same thing. tried taking the cookies and tried sending the cookie value and the _session_id for the next query but it did not work for me.22:42:25
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org ahh, I seeā€¦ I think they're passing tokens around 22:42:41
@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.org@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.org (edited) ... thing. tried ... => ... thing. I also tried ... 22:42:42
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org I see things like . X-CSRF-Token:+UNUxNBVOawd9AwIk5PS8DfLp6/1yPxD3DFIhetvA9s=, but I don't know where they are produced.... 22:43:08
@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.org@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.orgAny ideas how to work this out? 22:48:29
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgguess and check22:49:29
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org I'm trying a bunch of different things 22:49:32
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org I've concluded that it has to do with the cookie 22:49:39
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org because I can get good data if I pass (the cookie that I've received via the web browser) into requests 22:50:14
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.orgnoao is giving us bad cookies.22:50:28
@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org@gitter_keflavich:matrix.org it looks like they are issuing a new cookie every time something is submitted. That's not right. 23:01:44
@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.org@gitter_ayushyadav:matrix.orgAnother interesting thing is that if you mess up with the cookies in the browser then the entire site seems to break. Giving Service not available errors or in one case leading to the link being looped back to the same page. 23:07:08

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