
OpenStreetMap Kosovo 🗺 🇽🇰

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Semi-official all-Kosovo Matrix public group bridged with the one on Telegram. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.20 Servers

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22 Jan 2020
@telegram_458576281:t2bot.ioBranko Kokanović
In reply to Arianit D
Yes please, have a look, sorry Im not able to help
so, I have approval to fix geometries where they are equal from both datasets?:) I just want to confirm that before continuing:)
@telegram_458576281:t2bot.ioBranko KokanovićI am fine with that11:12:20
@telegram_257628147:t2bot.ioBesfort Guri
In reply to Branko Kokanović
so, I have approval to fix geometries where they are equal from both datasets?:) I just want to confirm that before continuing:)
Are you taking also in consideration the borders from Kosovo Cadastral Agency ?
@telegram_458576281:t2bot.ioBranko Kokanovićit is on forum thread11:13:05
@telegram_257628147:t2bot.ioBesfort GuriI am also fine with that11:13:08
@telegram_458576281:t2bot.ioBranko Kokanovićyap, I compared them, except Kopanik 3.5km2, they are same in milimeter:)11:12:58
@telegram_257628147:t2bot.ioBesfort GuriDownload 👋 (waving hand sign)11:15:19
@telegram_180733090:t2bot.ioPart inSo, the authorities that decide country lines are construction contractors that pave roads?11:30:58
@telegram_180733090:t2bot.ioPart inDownload 🤪11:31:30
In reply to Part in
So, the authorities that decide country lines are construction contractors that pave roads?
In reply to Branko Kokanović
so, I have approval to fix geometries where they are equal from both datasets?:) I just want to confirm that before continuing:)
as King of Kmetoc / Kmetovce, you have my approval 😅.
if something changes in the future, because for example kosovo and serbia recognise each other and do a border demarcation/delimitation then we can fix them again
@telegram_458576281:t2bot.ioBranko Kokanovićappreciate it, your majesty:DDD12:03:45
@telegram_51421157:t2bot.ioArianit D
In reply to Branko Kokanović
yap, I compared them, except Kopanik 3.5km2, they are same in milimeter:)
this is such positive news at the political level 😀. I was afraid it would turn into something like with Montenegro.
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNThe truth about Montenegro border is somewhere in between12:33:29
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNWe don't have cadastral data for the parts the government didn't claim12:34:15
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNBut Montenegro seems to have made them up after independence12:35:16
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNThe current border clearly doesn't follow natural boundary features12:35:56
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNAs for the border with Serbia we do have cadastral data12:36:41
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNAnd they do follow natural features12:36:53
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNLike the hill peaks at Kopaonik12:37:22
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNWhat Serbia claims is bogus12:37:35
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNBut I guess it would be fine to include both datasets as Guillaume proposed12:42:00
@telegram_180733090:t2bot.ioPart inYes, but in Kosovo's case with Montenegro, it's absurd to claim that the border boundary is on a steep mountain slope.13:07:42
In reply to Part in
Yes, but in Kosovo's case with Montenegro, it's absurd to claim that the border boundary is on a steep mountain slope.
maybe they forgot to compensate for imagery offset 😅
@telegram_180733090:t2bot.ioPart inOf course they forgot, lazy ass motherf**kers!15:10:32
@telegram_180733090:t2bot.ioPart in😂15:10:37
@telegram_688841596:t2bot.ioBardh welcome Margery W. Bouie
what kind of crypto are you trading with?
@telegram_348781827:t2bot.ioSören ReineckeDownload 😂 (face with tears of joy)18:22:45
@telegram_927559044:t2bot.ioMargery W. Bouie joined the room.18:28:03
@telegram_845707077:t2bot.ioNMay I suggest that the advertised link to the group be accompanied with a message to leave the osm username when joining, otherwise a newcomer will get kicked18:26:03

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