
Calyx Institute

868 Members
A nonprofit that develops, tests & distributes free privacy tech and education to bridge the digital divide and promote free expression. Also see #CalyxOS:matrix.org | https://calyxinstitute.org/105 Servers

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4 Jul 2024
@sfsascha:matrix.orgsfsascha joined the room.21:22:40
5 Jul 2024
@azxswed:matrix.orgqazsw set their display name to qazsw.04:55:01
@jlh:jlh.namejlh joined the room.20:13:43
@jlh:jlh.namejlh set a profile picture.21:37:41
6 Jul 2024
@anjannath:matrix.org@anjannath:matrix.org left the room.04:50:05
@bliss-hodlthe1:matrix.orgbliss-hodlthe1hie everyone, since last week, I jsut can't have location on on my Pixel 4A with calyx, so it is impossible to use google map website in my work profile with microG ... Anyone has a solution ? I tried everything 😲... It just won't locate my position🤔06:01:52
@perzarys:matrix.orgperzarys (he/him)
In reply to @bliss-hodlthe1:matrix.org
hie everyone, since last week, I jsut can't have location on on my Pixel 4A with calyx, so it is impossible to use google map website in my work profile with microG ... Anyone has a solution ? I tried everything 😲... It just won't locate my position🤔
@perzarys:matrix.orgperzarys (he/him)try this as a solution 06:30:10
@perzarys:matrix.orgperzarys (he/him)* https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues/2237#issuecomment-216919322906:30:34
@telmu:matrix.org@telmu:matrix.org left the room.07:15:57
@r15unygm404:matrix.orgr15unygm404 joined the room.10:24:51
@r15unygm404:matrix.orgr15unygm404 changed their profile picture.10:33:39
7 Jul 2024
@ellinge:matrix.orgellinge joined the room.17:08:37
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their display name from lukemz to lukemz (∞).17:14:21
8 Jul 2024
@scarring3974:matrix.orgScarring3974 joined the room.11:21:38
9 Jul 2024
@quags:matrix.orgquags joined the room.05:57:24
@pktiuk:matrix.orgpktiuk joined the room.17:45:24
@pktiuk:matrix.orgpktiukCould you tell me why there is no option to support Calyx Institute using typical donation platforms like Patreon, Liberapay, Ko-fi etc?17:47:39
In reply to @nickcalyx:matrix.org
Thank you :)
Maybe you should add this option to the donation page? This is where I was looking for donation options: https://members.calyxinstitute.org/donate
10 Jul 2024
@telegram_6323973397:calyx.devЕгор (Telegram) joined the room.03:22:40
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee KeyIf any devs are here i Request you to please update calyxos dialer app in calyxos test repo fdroid.07:15:39
@carbonatom5.1:matrix.org@carbonatom5.1:matrix.org joined the room.20:46:55
@carbonatom5.1:matrix.org@carbonatom5.1:matrix.org left the room.20:46:59
@charles:private.coffeecharles joined the room.20:59:34
11 Jul 2024
@t-m-w:matrix.orgtmw (he/they)
In reply to @nava1992004:matrix.org
If any devs are here i Request you to please update calyxos dialer app in calyxos test repo fdroid.
hi, #CalyxOS:matrix.org would be a more appropriate channel to ask that question (if you didn't already), but that repo is not currently kept up to date. i don't think apps like dialer work on other operating systems, if that's part of why you were asking. if you have other questions, please go ahead and join that channel i mentioned
12 Jul 2024
@khalidduel:matrix.orgKhalid Duel
In reply to @perzarys:matrix.org
I use OsmAnd with Android API set as the location provider in settings.
13 Jul 2024
@ashlyw:matrix.orgashlyw joined the room.21:46:20
@ashlyw:matrix.orgashlywI having problems putting my google pixel 8 into fast boot to install calyx21:47:18
@ashlyw:matrix.orgashlywWhen Power up to fast boot mode the device state: locked Boot Slot: a Enter reason: vol down pressed UART: disabled . How do I unlock device.? Thanks21:58:17

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