
Calyx Institute

841 Members
A nonprofit that develops, tests & distributes free privacy tech and education to bridge the digital divide and promote free expression. Also see #CalyxOS:matrix.org | https://calyxinstitute.org/102 Servers

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13 Jul 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me
In reply to @ashlyw:matrix.org
When Power up to fast boot mode the device state: locked Boot Slot: a Enter reason: vol down pressed UART: disabled . How do I unlock device.? Thanks
hey! #CalyxOS:matrix.org has better help for this
14 Jul 2024
@kesha:necker.iokesha Hey hey everyone, I've had my MiFi Inseego device for about a year and a half and it has recently started rebooting randomly. I have made sure it is up to date and nothing extraordinary happened between when it was working and when it wasn't.

I was wondering if anyone could confirm that I can just buy a replacement device and still have the SIM card function correctly. I don't think there is a special relationship between the MiFi and tmoblie, but I though I'd ask to be sure.
@kesha:necker.iokesha * Hey hey everyone, I've had my MiFi Inseego device for about a year and a half and it has recently started rebooting randomly. I have made sure it is up to date and nothing extraordinary happened between when it was working and when it wasn't. I was wondering if anyone could confirm that I can just buy a replacement device and still have the SIM card function correctly. I don't think there is a special relationship between the MiFi and tmoblie, but I thought I'd ask to be sure.02:34:33
@lindor_milk:matrix.orglindor_milk joined the room.07:00:35
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai kesha: hey, you can order a replacement directly from us, by logging into the membership portal, that's the recommended way. YMMV with other options. 16:37:23
15 Jul 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their display name from lukemz (∞) to migrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me.01:42:35
@lucasmz:tchncs.delucasmz ∞ joined the room.02:09:35
@mac944:matrix.orgMac944 joined the room.08:22:10
@mac944:matrix.orgMac944 changed their display name from Antony McEvoy to Mac944.15:32:25
16 Jul 2024
@juliatuttle:matrix.orgjuliatuttlehi! do we know for sure that there's no way to add an external antenna to the M3000?10:48:29
@nickcalyx:matrix.orgnickcalyxI would check forums13:27:13
@telegram_5076914311:calyx.devo'neill (Telegram)
In reply to @juliatuttle:matrix.org
hi! do we know for sure that there's no way to add an external antenna to the M3000?
An antenna must be tuned to Resonant over the entire frequency range, otherwise it is pointless. Source : Rothammel antenna books
@nickcalyx:matrix.orgnickcalyxThere are antennas made for mobile data, that's not the issue13:39:37
17 Jul 2024
@simplifiedprivacy:hackliberty.org@simplifiedprivacy:hackliberty.org left the room.01:44:23
18 Jul 2024
@root_21:matrix.orgroot_21 joined the room.02:34:19
@toaskoas:matrix.orgThomas changed their display name from toaskoas to Thomas.17:38:39
19 Jul 2024
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from professional practitioner 💅 to topbenis.23:15:49
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from topbenis to fat lard.23:16:56
20 Jul 2024
@crispycat:matrix.calitabby.comcrispycat joined the room.01:39:58
@lucasmz:tchncs.delucasmz ∞ changed their profile picture.02:41:13
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkch joined the room.10:52:22
@mrhrs08:matrix.orgmrhrs08 joined the room.20:45:29
22 Jul 2024
@darkness_bows:matrix.orgdarkness_bows joined the room.17:02:03
@darkness_bows:matrix.orgdarkness_bows Hi. Sorry for what is probably a repeitive question:
Do cell boosters, like weboost, work with the calyx hotspots (new jextream)? Im assuming so but im ignorant
@darkness_bows:matrix.orgdarkness_bowsNevermind. I think i was wondering if the hotspot device would need to connect to booster like an external antenna or some other way, but i think im just going chalk it up to dumb question...dont know how or why it wouldnt work; just boosts the signal and router takes it from there... 🤓🥴17:18:23
@nickcalyx:matrix.orgnickcalyxIt would probably work but I don't think we have ever tested 17:22:50
24 Jul 2024
@legolas.greenleaf:matrix.orgLegolas joined the room.09:17:13
@ajaxcy:frei.chat@ajaxcy:frei.chat left the room.09:40:18
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:15:06
@jjj333:pain.agencyjjj333_p (any pronouns) joined the room.10:25:19

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