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7 May 2024
@andrewf:element.ioAndrew F changed their display name from Andrew F (sick today) to Andrew F.07:21:49
@raherne:matrix.orgRobA Out Of Office Until 29th July changed their display name from RobA ( off Sick ) to RobA.08:22:12
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Element.io blog: ESS 24.04 is the new LTS release 14:16:20
@jordanhancock:matrix.orgJordan changed their display name from Jordan to Jordan Away (Back 09/05).19:44:42
8 May 2024
@yokim:matrix.org@yokim:matrix.org joined the room.00:27:19
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Element status: Errors creating and reconfiguring cloud hosts 06:48:58
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org) changed their display name from Thib (m.org) to Thib (m.org, back May 10).08:19:47
@yokim:matrix.org@yokim:matrix.org left the room.11:20:26
@roshanpathak500:matrix.orgRoshan kumar joined the room.15:31:16
@roshanpathak500:matrix.orgRoshan kumarWhat is availability % of https://app.element.io since you have so many users on this platform ? In other words, suppose we go ahead with the service level agreement with element (with synapse homeserver) for production use , what % of availability is promised by element ? Is it 99.995 % by any chance ?15:34:43
@tulir:maunium.nettulirapp.element.io is just a client, not a homeserver15:35:58
@tulir:maunium.nettulirnot sure why the EMS pricing page doesn't list any SLAs for uptime 🤔 I assume there is one though (or at least you can get one if you pay enough)15:40:52
@tulir:maunium.nettulirthe free matrix.org homeserver has a 0% SLA15:41:33
@twilight:element.iotwilightAs Tul1r said, app.element.io is just a client, and is almost never unavailable. And if it is, you can use another client (desktop, mobile, other web client, etc) instead For cloud homeservers hosted by us, please see https://element.io/pricing and our published documents on https://element.io/legal for our default offerings. Or get in touch with our sales department to discuss something else.15:42:56
@twilight:element.iotwilightElement hosted servers also come with a dedicated web client. https://chat.element.io for example comes with our own server15:44:33
@roshanpathak500:matrix.orgRoshan kumar Thanks twilight for the links . Also, When you say , almost never unavailable , can we say it follows "5 nines" uptime ? Is this the same case will homeserver as well --always available ? 15:47:47
@twilight:element.iotwilightUhh, app.element.io just static html, css, and javascript. I think served by cloudflare pages or something. I have never seen the client at app.element.io be offline15:49:26
@twilight:element.iotwilightAlso, app.element.io is a free offering. If you pay us for a server, your server will come with it's own dedicated client following the same uptime as your homeserver15:50:10
9 May 2024
@goku.:matrix.orggoku. joined the room.03:48:00
@jordanhancock:matrix.orgJordan changed their display name from Jordan Away (Back 09/05) to Jordan.04:37:49
10 May 2024
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org) changed their display name from Thib (m.org, back May 10) to Thib (m.org).08:06:23
@andrewf:element.ioAndrew F changed their display name from Andrew F to Andrew F (away until May 21).19:28:43
13 May 2024
@artoarto:matrix.orgartoarto joined the room.19:25:33
15 May 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgneil changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.07:08:29
@roshanpathak500:matrix.orgRoshan kumar changed their profile picture.13:54:35
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Element.io blog: Security release: Element X Android (0.4.12) and iOS (1.6.7) 15:01:44
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Element.io blog: Resetting the server-side key backup 15:01:44
@jordanhancock:matrix.orgJordan changed their display name from Jordan to Jordan Away (Back 20/05).20:58:52
16 May 2024
@support:matrix.orgMatrix Support (no support in DM, email support@matrix.org) changed their display name from Matrix Support (no support in DM, email support@matrix.org) to Matrix Support (no support in DM).06:24:45
@neilj:matrix.orgneil changed their display name from Neil_away to Neil.07:14:10

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