
Sci Fi & Fantasy

109 Members
Sci Fi, Fantasy and Related Genres | Code of Conduct: +matrixunited:matrix.org36 Servers

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2 Aug 2020
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoFREESTYLE SUNDAY!11:41:11
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoWhat have you read/ watched recently?11:41:34
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoI watched ex machina11:42:32
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoKept me at the edge of my seat, a bit thought provoking11:43:25
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tkSciFi related, the documentation "Jodorowsky’s Dune"..... about the best film that was never made11:43:34
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoSounds interesting. What does it say about it?11:45:19
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tkwell, he planed that back in the 70s... film was never made, but there where scripts and artwork... and a director with a vision in his head.... 11:47:17
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tkeven a soundtrack was made11:47:33
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tkIt could really have been an epic ...11:51:08
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tkI also noticed recently that the soundtrack by kurt stenzel has been incorporated musically into some episodes of captain future11:56:38
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tknot the same tracks, but I clearly noticed that this must be stenzel11:57:51
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tkI would even go that far to say, that the music for the westwood game "Dune 2", was inspired by that.12:01:57
@laura:tomesh.netlaura 17:19:55
@paul:asra.grpaul 17:23:56
3 Aug 2020
@ronald:synod.im@ronald:synod.im joined the room.11:30:25
6 Aug 2020
@maranda:aria-net.org@maranda:aria-net.org left the room.06:21:25
8 Aug 2020
@andre:fairydust.spaceandre joined the room.21:50:21
9 Aug 2020
@datapacrat:matrix.orgDataPacRat joined the room.01:54:38
13 Aug 2020
@bpepple:matrix.org@bpepple:matrix.org left the room.13:38:12
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoDoes anyone else think Star Trek Below Decks is way too simiar to Final Space in tone?14:20:20
@aakurii:matrix.orgaakurii joined the room.16:45:45
14 Aug 2020
@jerolata:matrix.org@jerolata:matrix.org joined the room.04:25:04
@jerolata:matrix.org@jerolata:matrix.org changed their display name from jerolata to Jero.04:36:50
@jerolata:matrix.org@jerolata:matrix.org set a profile picture.04:53:09
21 Aug 2020
@rajuishere:matrix.org@rajuishere:matrix.org left the room.16:47:11
22 Aug 2020
@nemesis:utwente.ionemesis 21:53:26
11 Sep 2020
@numbersix:matrix.orgnumbersix joined the room.23:03:30
13 Sep 2020
@acb:disroot.org@acb:disroot.org left the room.04:30:16

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