
Sci Fi & Fantasy

109 Members
Sci Fi, Fantasy and Related Genres | Code of Conduct: +matrixunited:matrix.org36 Servers

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14 Sep 2020
@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org changed their profile picture.23:42:40
16 Sep 2020
@ronald:synod.im@ronald:synod.im left the room.23:49:53
18 Sep 2020
@annette:ggc-project.de@annette:ggc-project.de 23:53:38
1 Oct 2020
@luis:pugritos.cloudlqdev changed their display name from luis to lqdev.01:16:11
5 Oct 2020
@yentruoc:matrix.org@yentruoc:matrix.org joined the room.18:24:06
@yentruoc:matrix.org@yentruoc:matrix.org left the room.18:31:26
14 Oct 2020
@redsplochy:matrix.org@redsplochy:matrix.org left the room.03:23:28
@lars:bau-ha.us@lars:bau-ha.us left the room.21:54:20
16 Oct 2020
@seabass:chat.weho.st@seabass:chat.weho.st joined the room.21:00:42
@seabass:chat.weho.st@seabass:chat.weho.st left the room.21:11:21
17 Oct 2020
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoJesus, what happened here?23:54:29
23 Oct 2020
@travis:synapse.travnewmatic.com@travis:synapse.travnewmatic.com changed their display name from Travis to tnewman.08:57:49
27 Oct 2020
@gitte:nltrix.net@gitte:nltrix.net joined the room.22:35:24
13 Nov 2020
@maranda:aria-net.org@maranda:aria-net.org joined the room.23:44:08
14 Nov 2020
@maranda:aria-net.org@maranda:aria-net.org left the room.08:37:40
15 Nov 2020
@am2on:matrix.orgam3on joined the room.17:00:09
22 Nov 2020
@maikie:matrix.org@maikie:matrix.org joined the room.15:58:53
23 Nov 2020
@mr.d1701:matrix.org@mr.d1701:matrix.org joined the room.05:16:30
24 Nov 2020
@mr.d1701:matrix.org@mr.d1701:matrix.org left the room.16:02:47
1 Dec 2020
@pauluserber:matrix.orgPaulus_Erber joined the room.22:51:31
4 Dec 2020
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqun joined the room.16:56:38
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunHowdy folks, anyone read any Robert Jordan?16:57:05
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgHi. Yes.16:58:32
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunI'm just starting out after a reaaaally long pause20:02:23
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunHow was it after about book 8? I heard Sanderson did a good job20:02:38
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgThe 9th and the 10th books might seem a little slow-paced for somebody. I enjoyed them, of course, because all those liittle details are what attracts me to "The Wheel of Time". The next books are good, including the last three by Sanderson. The finale of the series was actually written by Jordan, so the Last Battle is grandiose. And the epilogue is part mystery, part a new beginning, kind of...20:24:36
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunRight, I'd heard there was going to be further stuff in that universe but then, well, he passed away21:43:05
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunAnd there will be a show adaptation apparently!21:43:17
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunWhich is always exciting and heartbreaking lol21:43:31
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgAh, yeah. Looling forward to the seeing the show. The last I heard about it was they'd cast Rosamund Pike as Moiraine.21:48:39

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