
Sci Fi & Fantasy

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Sci Fi, Fantasy and Related Genres | Code of Conduct: +matrixunited:matrix.org36 Servers

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4 Dec 2020
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunI'm excited too, and even more excited to read it all before the show begins22:03:41
@maikie:matrix.org@maikie:matrix.org left the room.22:04:20
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.org* Ah, yeah. Looking forward to the seeing the show. The last I heard about it was they'd cast Rosamund Pike as Moiraine.22:09:01
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.org* Ah, yeah. Looking forward to seeing the show. The last I heard about it was they'd cast Rosamund Pike as Moiraine.22:09:13
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgHave a great time! I've recently read the graphic novels "New Spring" and "The Eye of the World" as a preparation (kind of) for the show just to refresh my memory.22:12:22
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunOoh and how were they? I've never really gotten into graphic novels, though I loved Asterix comics as a kid22:17:35
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunLike big L LOVED22:17:59
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunAnd do you know when the show is releasing, and on what platform?22:18:13
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgI liked the graphic novels as a whole although the style of pictures/drawings differs from volume to volume. The style I liked the most is in "New Spring", it's the closest to how I imagined the things and the people when I was reading the books. Some of the six volumes of "The Eye of the World" have kind of schematic/primitive drawings, lacking details, which I personally don't like. I don't know about the release of the show. It's hard to tell, I guess, because of the current pandemic.22:30:06
5 Dec 2020
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunAh yes, Wikipedia says shooting started early this year but halted in March and no further date has been given.11:51:31
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgIf you are interested, there is an unofficial pilot episode called something like "Winter Dragon". It was made without permission several years ago, and it stars Billy Zane. And there is also a fan-made episode called "Flight from Shadow" based on one of the chapters of "The Eye of the World".12:50:29
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.org* If you are interested, there is the unofficial pilot episode called "Winter Dragon". It was made without permission several years ago, and it stars Billy Zane. And there is also the fan-made episode called "Flight from Shadow" based on one of the chapters of "The Eye of the World".12:54:14
6 Dec 2020
@jason:zemos.netJason joined the room.20:08:49
7 Dec 2020
@nick-h:matrix.orgnick-h joined the room.12:18:45
@nick-h:matrix.orgnick-hHello. I'm new to Element, looking for a Discord alternative essentially. Is it just the one thread per community?12:20:00
In reply to @staunch_thomas:matrix.org
If you are interested, there is the unofficial pilot episode called "Winter Dragon". It was made without permission several years ago, and it stars Billy Zane.
And there is also the fan-made episode called "Flight from Shadow" based on one of the chapters of "The Eye of the World".
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunWill watch them shortly, I'm super pumped12:21:57
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqun nick-h: I'm not completely sure how threads/communities work on here though I suspect the goal is probably to create something like Slack/Discord with that. For now I just search things I'm interested in in the searchbar and join individual chats. 12:22:51
@nick-h:matrix.orgnick-hIf Rooms can be referenced by Communities, as seems to be the case, I guess joining a Community is essentially a sort of collated automatic subscription to whatever Rooms are referenced. I wonder if someone could issue an invite to a Community so I can have a better understanding of it?12:27:55
@nick-h:matrix.orgnick-hApart from that, hello, I'm Nick, and I'm writing a fantasy adventure game story which is about a kingdom under assault by ancient machines reawakened.12:31:11
@scalperos:matrix.org@scalperos:matrix.org joined the room.15:15:23
@scalperos:matrix.org@scalperos:matrix.org changed their display name from Scalperos to QuantumNaut.15:45:25
8 Dec 2020
@86ul:matrix.org@86ul:matrix.org joined the room.12:41:26
9 Dec 2020
@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org left the room.16:16:52
10 Dec 2020
@main.c:matrix.org@main.c:matrix.org joined the room.20:12:18
12 Dec 2020
@86ul:matrix.org@86ul:matrix.orgWhat is reality for you?12:14:06
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunLately a lot of what the world reflects to me of my own inner structures13:18:44
@86ul:matrix.org@86ul:matrix.orgIs it possible for me to try to stand in your shoes as you by using your words, in your thinking within your context to see a glimps of the reality that you see?21:39:28
13 Dec 2020
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqunYes. You feel a spark of joy at the request, a happiness at sharing your galaxy with a guest. You see the world in archetypes. You realize that the structures into which you fold it mirror of the chambers of your own mind. You have recently discovered Jung and the imprint is still fresh.00:15:13
@qqn:matrix.orgquelqun* Yes. You feel a spark of joy at the request, a happiness at sharing your galaxy with a guest. You see the world in archetypes. You realize that the structures into which you fold it mirror the chambers of your mind. You have recently discovered Jung and the imprint is still fresh.00:15:47

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