21 Dec 2024 |
| vortex36 joined the room. | 09:32:15 |
| cpedroson joined the room. | 17:11:04 |
22 Dec 2024 |
| raven.penfold changed their profile picture. | 17:32:00 |
23 Dec 2024 |
| labofzero joined the room. | 10:00:04 |
| potajoe1 | 14:26:18 |
| wunderbaum_00 joined the room. | 19:23:11 |
24 Dec 2024 |
happygoron | Seem to have found a bug in the Snuffit Sands level in the new campaign. I appear to have met all the win criteria but the level is not progressing.
I read in some older bug reports that using the fast forward button may cause the level check not to occur, but I've waited for a year at normal speed and no progress.
I've met all the criteria, but I'm in the redd lfor "kill fewer than 30% of visitors", with 3% killed. I'm not sure if that's impeding the level check completing?
Heres a photo (not got discord on my steam deck) | 00:13:24 |
happygoron |  Download rn_image_picker_lib_temp_687f85da-30df-4288-9f1d-5a194dfdac9a.jpg | 00:13:57 |
happygoron | * Seem to have found a bug in the Snuffit Sands level in the new campaign. I appear to have met all the win criteria but the level is not progressing.
I read in some older bug reports that using the fast forward button may cause the level check not to occur, but I've waited for a year at normal speed and no progress.
I've met all the criteria. I'm in the red for "kill fewer than 30% of visitors", with 3% killed. I'm not sure if that's impeding the level check completing?
Heres a photo (not got discord on my steam deck) | 00:33:00 |
thecycoone | Do you have any loans? | 00:45:56 |
argamx | I think case is described here
https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/issues/2675 | 08:58:47 |
argamx | * I think this case is described here:
https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/issues/2675 | 08:59:01 |
Matroftt | This is a problem with too many requirements to beat the levels. | 16:30:06 |
Matroftt | Basically you have also to meet hospital value criteria but you cant check it due to death criteria which overlaps it | 16:30:38 |
Matroftt | And this is should be fixed, maybe use scrolling or scaling for conditions | 16:31:25 |
Matroftt | Since CorsixTH 0.69 and up are going to have 2 more win conditions | 16:32:28 |
tobylane | Scrolling like left and right arrows around the table? | 16:51:31 |
albertfree | As argamx suggested in 2676, a smarter order (most problematic criterias first), may already do the trick | 17:13:13 |
albertfree | although to check what criteria exist, a scrollbar-like solution may be needed as well | 17:14:19 |
happygoron | This was it, thanks. I needed to spam a couple of kit Kat machines! | 18:10:50 |
Matroftt | Yes, but i prefer scaling more | 18:32:32 |
lewri | Are we not hard enforcing a max win goal criteria as to TH? | 19:01:23 |
27 Dec 2024 |
thecycoone | why would we? | 01:46:35 |
lewri | It was more I couldn't remember if we had; or if TH evenhad such a limit | 10:57:46 |
tobylane | TH had a limit of 5, which we used to indirectly copy, I think the sixth criteria was referred to by name not number when it was hidden. Endconditions.lua line 162 limits the progress report to five | 12:54:00 |
28 Dec 2024 |
| joconnell_ | 23:09:36 |
29 Dec 2024 |
| @join666:matrix.org joined the room. | 07:04:36 |
@join666:matrix.org | Redacted or Malformed Event | 07:53:19 |
@join666:matrix.org | Redacted or Malformed Event | 07:54:27 |
robsassy | @mod | 08:19:06 |