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Let's use this to discuss all Nim tooling. For example Nimble, Atlas, and various editor integrations. Relayed to #nimble on libera.chat and #tooling in our Discord20 Servers

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10 Dec 2024
@_discord_1192350909490012202:t2bot.iopookie_lovesyou. joined the room.03:13:02
@_discord_1210453229230620696:t2bot.iovexx5528_27175 joined the room.04:00:00
@_discord_1244659820712296499:t2bot.iov3zzzzy joined the room.04:04:38
@_discord_800941608560230441:t2bot.iomegabytesofrem changed their profile picture.08:05:08
@_discord_107466914392969216:t2bot.ioarm_3_d Hi, in nimble is there a way to replace transitive dependency with another one by preventing downloading former? 08:57:25
@_discord_107466914392969216:t2bot.ioarm_3_d transitive is required by name from nimble directory, replacement is by github URL 08:58:09
@_discord_107466914392969216:t2bot.ioarm_3_d I tried to add require <github url> to project nimble, but still getting conflicts 08:58:48
@_discord_1274795813381341254:t2bot.io_.heartlove._ changed their profile picture.12:43:38
@gtemrk_01:matrix.org@gtemrk_01:matrix.org joined the room.17:00:21
@nim-lang-mjolnir:matrix.orgnim-lang-mjolnir banned @gtemrk_01:matrix.org@gtemrk_01:matrix.org (spam).17:00:57
11 Dec 2024
@sharonne:matrix.org@sharonne:matrix.org joined the room.06:31:04
@nim-lang-mjolnir:matrix.orgnim-lang-mjolnir banned @sharonne:matrix.org@sharonne:matrix.org (spam).06:31:11
@_discord_353173668441882624:t2bot.ioharuyuki_16278 joined the room.09:06:03
@_discord_426851559952089088:t2bot.iowhorf changed their profile picture.13:35:27
@_discord_1151159838794059898:t2bot.ioryan.heuvel joined the room.14:16:18
@sabrinanichole123:matrix.orgSabrinanichole 123 joined the room.18:10:36
@_discord_532751332445257729:t2bot.iothat_dude. changed their profile picture.23:37:41
12 Dec 2024

So trying the SAT in Nimble and it's saying that these are conflicting

      Error Dependency resolution failed. Minimal set of conflicting dependencies:
        ...  + nim >= 1.6.0 
        ...  + https://github.com/beef331/truss3D 0.2.43
        ...      -nim >= 1.5.1 
        ...  + https://github.com/beef331/potato 0.1.10
        ...      -nim >= 2.0.8 
        ...  + constructor any version
        ...      -nim >= 1.2.0 

Am I misunderstanding something cause >= 2.0.8 is the min required version no?

@_discord_372579559645773828:t2bot.ionasuray Curious , is it expecting the minimum of the root package to match the resolved minimum? (I'm assuming that the first version specifier for nim is from the nimble file for the module you are compiling) 06:00:48
@_discord_762972746346266644:t2bot.iojamalsmith6271 joined the room.07:53:24
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez Hey beef, can you test with the latest nimble from sources? We have been fixing SAT issues and likely this is one of them 07:56:03

/home/jason/.nimble/pkgcache/githubcom_nimlangnimble_#head/src/nimble.nim(11, 11) Error: cannot open file: sat/sat


@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez Run git submodule update --init 07:58:41
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefI was trying to install it using nimble as it worked in previous versions07:58:56

Well with the newest it just sits here and has not done much of anything

 /tmp/nimble/nimble build --verbose
      Info: Package cache path /home/jason/.nimble/pkgcache
     Info:  Nimble data file "/home/jason/.nimble/nimbledata2.json" has been loaded.
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez Didnt nimble install nimble@#head that worked? 08:04:40
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIt did not it had the SAT issue08:04:50
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeef nimble.nim(11, 11) Error: cannot open file: sat/sat was from nimble install 08:05:16
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez hmm thats building your project or nimble itself? It may take longer than usual in the first run 08:06:22
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefLonger by how long, i'm on a 5600x and it's been here for a few minutes now08:06:44

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