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Let's use this to discuss all Nim tooling. For example Nimble, Atlas, and various editor integrations. Relayed to #nimble on libera.chat and #tooling in our Discord18 Servers

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26 Jul 2024
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk Got a question by curiosity, how difficult would it be to have tooling that auto-manage imports - similar to what go does (I know Go is much simpler and doesn't have overloading and always specifies the module so it's easier) ? 13:21:01
@_discord_186489007247589376:t2bot.iosOkam! 🫐 this question assumes the reader knows how go imports work 🤷‍♂️ 13:32:24
@_discord_186489007247589376:t2bot.iosOkam! 🫐 might have more chances of an answer if you explain how the work for all of those that never used Go ever, or don't know anything about their auto-imports 13:34:23
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk I assume people working on toolings took a look at how tooling in other comparable language works 13:36:28
@_discord_186489007247589376:t2bot.iosOkam! 🫐 why would there be such a need? if you use a tool that works well, there is no need to research other tools, you just use the tool you know works for you 13:39:43
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk It just makes sense when you are building something to take a look at how other people are building something similar 13:42:50
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk If you want to build a house, you're telling me you are not going to take a look at houses around you already built ? 13:45:05
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk I'm not saying it should be identical, but it makes sense to look at what works (and how), and what doesn't work (and why) 13:47:13
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez You mean something like the people from intellij do as well where if a proc is not found in the current modules it suggests an action to import the module that contains it? 14:29:13
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez Any update on this? I think more people is running into this issue but I need to be able to repro it 14:34:08
@_discord_657927201395834897:t2bot.iomo_ar2006 joined the room.14:36:52
@_discord_974046326088163438:t2bot.ioezquerra jmgomez I've just done another test and it fails for me with any nim file I open 14:37:16
@_discord_974046326088163438:t2bot.ioezquerra So I don't really know what to do to help you reproduce it 14:40:40
@_discord_974046326088163438:t2bot.ioezquerra If you want we can talk directly via DM and I can do any tests that you ask me to do 14:43:52
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez oh that's bad, sure. Send over your configuration 14:47:23
@_discord_186489007247589376:t2bot.iosOkam! 🫐 I'm just trying to tell you that some people here, who otherwise could very easily help you, won't be able to do so because you are asking them to research some tool they will never use just to answer your question
I'm just pointing at the odds of your question, being as specific as it is without no context, not getting answered just because of a silly assumption
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk Essentially, yes. 15:54:23
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk If an import is missing and unique, it suggests-it / or add-it automatically on save. 15:58:35
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk And also it has the options to removes unused import 16:03:24
@_discord_168482749831708672:t2bot.ioClonkk From a quality of life perspective it's super nice to have. 16:08:22
@_discord_1106323935227813909:t2bot.iobbbscarter joined the room.19:31:12
27 Jul 2024
@_discord_968057354224549938:t2bot.ioasuidhasdhjasdasd joined the room.03:08:08
@_discord_291582644553252864:t2bot.ioposxposy joined the room.09:37:45
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/1250
This should fix your issue
@_discord_1085272584809095268:t2bot.iojctheking753 joined the room.09:49:40
@_discord_375951998337417229:t2bot.iotauruuuuuus Finally got the best of both worlds with asdf-nim + nimlangserver/official vscode plugin 09:55:25
@_discord_305785071489515540:t2bot.iok0ts Thanks, I made an issue earlier today but it doesn't seem to be showing up. I'll give that patch a try later. 09:57:41
@_discord_375951998337417229:t2bot.iotauruuuuuus I had to ditch choosenim, hopefully it becomes more usable in the near future, but this setup is really great 10:00:45
@_discord_305785071489515540:t2bot.iok0ts I like to use devel so I wrote my own script that switches between symlinks. Don't know if asdf-nim lets you use an existing local Nim. 10:02:37
@_discord_375951998337417229:t2bot.iotauruuuuuus I don't think so, I just rm -rf ~/.nimbled everything out of frustation and restarted from a clean slate 10:13:28

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