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Let's use this to discuss all Nim tooling. For example Nimble, Atlas, and various editor integrations. Relayed to #nimble on libera.chat and #tooling in our Discord18 Servers

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22 Apr 2024
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her]Download message.txt21:04:17
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Error message in the debug console for nim langserver 21:04:17
23 Apr 2024
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch Can't help you there, haven't looked at langserver in ages 05:08:04
@_discord_1149638457908543568:t2bot.iodariustakei changed their display name from comedian4 to dariustakei.05:31:11
@us8722:matrix.orgus8722 joined the room.06:21:17
@_discord_1220807472139472999:t2bot.iotrue.eye joined the room.08:18:48
@_discord_726017160115126333:t2bot.iojmgomez Please, submit an issue with minimal repro 09:01:27
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Issue is I can't make a minimal reproduction, because it only ends up happening when it reached a certain size 10:06:42
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] The repo is https://github.com/Nimberite-Development/Napkins and the file that it happens in is src/napkinspkg/parser.nim, in the parseEnum proc 10:10:03
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] I'll submit an issue later once I have the energy for it 10:10:15
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno Doesn't it use Nimsuggests?

I just took a look and it has a 4gb killswitch
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno * Doesn't it use Nimsuggests?

I just took a look and it has a 4gb killswitch (x64)
@_discord_994845588434726922:t2bot.ioelixirs_chan joined the room.13:17:32
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Huh, really? 14:17:34
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno Its somewhere in the cfg 14:18:04
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno Would give you a link but not @my pc 14:18:46
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno Nvm here:
# die when nimsuggest uses more than 4GB:
@if cpu32:
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Tbf I don't think my PC even has that much RAM 14:24:39
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Also this is a compile flag right? 14:24:46
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] * Tbf I don't think my laptop even has that much RAM 14:24:52
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] It has 8gb at most I think? 14:24:57
@_discord_961485620075720734:t2bot.ionnsee your laptop doesn't have 4G ram? 14:25:05
@_discord_961485620075720734:t2bot.ionnsee that's uh 14:25:11
@_discord_961485620075720734:t2bot.ionnsee how ancient is your laptop 14:25:15
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Not sure, it might have 8gb, so I can't exactly allocate much more to nimsuggest 14:25:49
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno Lol, well. I have the same issue you have 32gb @6k 14:27:28
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno So maybe thats not the issue 14:27:37
@_discord_524288464422830095:t2bot.ioRobyn [She/Her] Have you tried recompiling Nimsuggest with a larger heap size enabled? 15:43:23
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno Me? Not yet, no I would probably first check how much it peaks at 15:57:31
@_discord_383236491452612611:t2bot.iothe_real_hypno * Me? Not yet no ,I would probably first check how much it peaks at 15:58:10

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