
Portable Graphics in Rust

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6 Mar 2024
@shelby_nya:catgirl.cloudShelby Lynn joined the room.14:50:47
26 Mar 2024
@0xcaff:matrix.orgMartin Charles joined the room.08:02:33
7 Apr 2024
@mehmetoguzderin:matrix.orgmehmetoguzderin changed their profile picture.10:12:05
@raggi:rag.pubraggi joined the room.19:49:29
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10 Apr 2024
@shelby_nya:catgirl.cloudShelby Lynn changed their display name from shelby_nya to Shelby Lynn.17:41:28
11 Apr 2024
@mehmetoguzderin:matrix.orgmehmetoguzderin changed their profile picture.11:09:55
25 Apr 2024
@repi:matrix.org@repi:matrix.org left the room.11:15:49
6 May 2024
@feynon:matrix.orgfeynon joined the room.20:08:50
11 May 2024
@ashley_:matrix.org@ashley_:matrix.org left the room.05:22:09
25 May 2024
@eschryn:matrix.orgeschryn changed their profile picture.10:08:24
28 May 2024
@unixawesome:tchncs.de@unixawesome:tchncs.de joined the room.18:02:17
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5 Jun 2024
@jellyterra:matrix.orgJelly Terra λ joined the room.02:30:18
8 Jun 2024
@yangyin1996520:matrix.orgyangyin1996520 joined the room.08:41:02
20 Jun 2024
@griffi-gh:matrix.orgvoxel changed their profile picture.17:55:13
14 Jul 2024
@joshprk:matrix.orgjoshprk joined the room.07:58:54
16 Jul 2024
@paddi:cryne.mePaddi ⚡️ changed their profile picture.23:49:46
22 Jul 2024
@gschian0:matrix.org@gschian0:matrix.org left the room.14:22:58
27 Jul 2024
@katiew:matrix.org@katiew:matrix.org joined the room.08:13:30
30 Jul 2024
@katiew:matrix.org@katiew:matrix.org left the room.03:52:07
1 Aug 2024
@xorio42:matrix.orgxorio42 joined the room.15:41:32
10 Aug 2024
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGubler changed their profile picture.17:43:54
13 Aug 2024
@theemeraldbee:matrix.org@theemeraldbee:matrix.org joined the room.02:54:54
@theemeraldbee:matrix.org@theemeraldbee:matrix.org left the room.02:55:15
20 Aug 2024

Is there any OSS Nvidia drivers written in Rust? Or some C bindings but the driver to be OSS.

I'm interested in creating a vGPU a virtual GPU where you can run your ML apps like you would on a real GPU. I want then to send the GPU instructions over the wire and execute them in the cloud on real GPUs.
I've seen wgpu as an abstraction layer and then on remote I can use ash to execute them on real GPU.
But how can I create the Virtual interface (I imagined it needs to be (like) a driver) so the local app communicates with it. Can I do it just with wgpu somehow exposing the interface? I would need also support for CUDA.

@xorio42:matrix.orgxorio42 *

Do you know of any OSS Nvidia drivers written in Rust? Or some C bindings but the driver to be OSS.

I'm interested in creating a vGPU a virtual GPU where you can run your ML apps like you would on a real GPU. I want then to send the GPU instructions over the wire and execute them in the cloud on real GPUs.
I've seen wgpu as an abstraction layer and then on remote I can use ash to execute them on real GPU.
But how can I create the Virtual interface (I imagined it needs to be (like) a driver) so the local app communicates with it. Can I do it just with wgpu somehow exposing the interface? I would need also support for CUDA.

I've read about nova but not sure in what state it is, also hear Redhat writing a new driver for Vulkan in Rust, maybe it's nova?

@xorio42:matrix.orgxorio42 *

Do you know of any OSS Nvidia drivers written in Rust? Or some C bindings but the driver to be OSS.

I'm interested in creating a vGPU a virtual GPU where you can run your ML apps like you would on a real GPU. I want then to send the GPU instructions over the wire and execute them in the cloud on real GPUs.
I've seen wgpu as an abstraction layer and then on remote I can use ash to execute them on real GPU.
But how can I create the Virtual interface (I imagined it needs to be (like) a driver) so the local app communicates with it. Can I do it just with wgpu somehow exposing the interface? I would need also support for CUDA.

I've read about nova but not sure in what state it is, also hear Redhat writing a new driver for Vulkan in Rust, maybe it's nova?

21 Aug 2024
In reply to @xorio42:matrix.org

Do you know of any OSS Nvidia drivers written in Rust? Or some C bindings but the driver to be OSS.

I'm interested in creating a vGPU a virtual GPU where you can run your ML apps like you would on a real GPU. I want then to send the GPU instructions over the wire and execute them in the cloud on real GPUs.
I've seen wgpu as an abstraction layer and then on remote I can use ash to execute them on real GPU.
But how can I create the Virtual interface (I imagined it needs to be (like) a driver) so the local app communicates with it. Can I do it just with wgpu somehow exposing the interface? I would need also support for CUDA.

I've read about nova but not sure in what state it is, also hear Redhat writing a new driver for Vulkan in Rust, maybe it's nova?

What do you mean by "virtual GPU"? At what level do you want it to exist?
@xorio42:matrix.orgxorio42I want the python or some apps that run cuda instructions to send them to the vgpu13:15:14

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