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+rooms:opensuse.org | Bridged with https://discord.gg/opensuse | openQA related development and discussions https://open.qa31 Servers

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7 Mar 2021
@okurz:matrix.orgokurz[m]Both solved, awesome :)09:32:20
@_discord_98466323452948480:opensuse.orglcp#0 I'm surprised open.qa finally works with https 09:33:42
@okurz:matrix.orgokurz[m]likely help from sysrich :)09:34:33
@_discord_218462698269179914:opensuse.orgSmeltie joined the room.10:47:21
@_discord_263248554368172032:opensuse.orgwater joined the room.12:43:11
8 Mar 2021
@martchus:im.f3l.demartchus joined the room.09:13:53
@martchus:im.f3l.demartchusHello, via matrix :-)09:14:36
@okurz:matrix.orgokurz[m] \o/ 09:15:33
@defolos:matrix.orgdefolos martchus: hello via matrix as well 👋 10:01:39
@_discord_567364552870592512:opensuse.orgDefolos#4234 and for completeness: 👋 from discord too 10:02:30
@martchus:im.f3l.demartchusWhere is this channel hosted? Is it hosted on a matrix server and bridged to discord (1) or is it the other way around (2)? I'm just asking because "bridged with" as stated in the title is a bit ambiguous.10:15:59
@okurz:matrix.orgokurz[m]well, there is a room on matrix and one on discord, both rooms are bridged two-ways10:17:16
@martchus:im.f3l.demartchusAh, so no source of truth and if the bridge is destroyed they'd just be independent channels. Sounds like a reasonable solution, actually.10:18:28
@okurz:matrix.orgokurz[m]and AFAIU the matrix room is on opensuse.org, not matrix.org10:19:08
@defolos:matrix.orgdefolos okurz[m]: you are correct 10:19:31
@martchus:im.f3l.demartchusI was just referring to the matrix protocol. Btw, I'm writing from neither of those domains. The federation works quite nicely.10:20:05
@_discord_95807737455202304:opensuse.orgAccelShark joined the room.11:41:52
@_discord_149863765716893696:opensuse.orgFairLight joined the room.23:28:58
9 Mar 2021
@_discord_445700411861630976:opensuse.orgCincennes joined the room.18:53:00
@_discord_343005751305830411:opensuse.orgChristopher_S_25 joined the room.20:37:08
@_discord_283557855586680832:opensuse.orgArh-Peal joined the room.22:16:11
10 Mar 2021
@_discord_714316705303625818:opensuse.orgαρη#5687 joined the room.01:07:36
@_discord_95807737455202304:opensuse.orgAccelShark changed their display name from AccelShark to AccelShark#4634.04:08:28
@_discord_95807737455202304:opensuse.orgAccelShark changed their display name from AccelShark#4634 to AccelShark.04:08:55
@_discord_217609988984537088:opensuse.orgtoyeLinux joined the room.06:59:00
@_discord_447353865122086932:opensuse.orgekto changed their display name from ekto to ekto#7004.20:07:59
@_discord_447353865122086932:opensuse.orgekto changed their profile picture.20:09:29
@_discord_447353865122086932:opensuse.orgekto changed their display name from ekto#7004 to ekto.20:10:15
@_discord_309840938505863168:opensuse.orgNoisy Knuckles joined the room.21:02:47
11 Mar 2021
@_discord_714316705303625818:opensuse.orgαρη#5687 changed their display name from αρη to αρη#5687.01:14:38

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