
Geometry and Topology

259 Members
Algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, general topology, geometric topology, symplectic geometry, metric geometry, K-theory and homology || part of #mathematics-on:matrix.org28 Servers

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5 Jun 2024
@sevenisalie:matrix.orgsevenisalie joined the room.21:55:40
6 Jun 2024
@trickyp2p:matrix.orgtrickyp2p changed their profile picture.00:42:17
@trickyp2p:matrix.orgtrickyp2p changed their profile picture.21:50:52
@totallyjoyfulday:matrix.orgtotallyjoyfulday joined the room.22:22:05
9 Jun 2024
@brodyclarke:matrix.orggostmento changed their profile picture.23:36:19
12 Jun 2024
@aproc:4d2.orgaproc changed their profile picture.04:27:02
13 Jun 2024
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_z it is curious that if X is compact we have a homeomorphism X \to \operatorname{mSpec} \mathscr{C}(X,\mathbb{R}) 02:33:34
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_z the proof i know of uses the fact that \mathbb{R} is an ordered ring, but this isn't quite satisfying 02:34:10
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_z (i equip \operatorname{mSpec}R with the zariski subspace topology) 02:35:09
17 Jun 2024
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_z here is my motivating question: is it true that for every space X, there is an hausdorff other Y, such that X is a quotient of Y? 03:25:59
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_z the answer is yes, through a construction which i proceed to describe. let W be a hausdorff space that admits a decomposition into two dense subsets W = W_0 \sqcup W_+. consider the subspace
\{(x, f) \in X \times W^{|X|} \} where f(z) \in W_0 if z = x and f(z) \in W_+ otherwise (i use W^{|X|} to denote product topology). then this space is hausdorff, and the map (x, f) \mapsto x is the quotient map
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_znow for my actual curiosity03:38:40
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_zthis construction looks suspiciously like the espace étalé for sections03:40:06
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_zbut the espace étalé isn't always hausdorff03:40:26
@gm_z:matrix.orggm_zwhat would be the way to rewrite this construction in geometric language?03:41:30
22 Jun 2024
@andreapetrocco:matrix.orgpetrocco2 joined the room.20:26:58
28 Jun 2024
@x5d0:matrix.orgAres joined the room.23:37:02
29 Jun 2024
@anondud:matrix.org@anondud:matrix.org joined the room.12:50:50
@anondud:matrix.org@anondud:matrix.org left the room.18:45:16
30 Jun 2024
@ertestein:matrix.orgertestein joined the room.21:52:00
3 Jul 2024
@galois_yolande:matrix.orggalois_yolande joined the room.12:12:33
@galois_yolande:matrix.orggalois_yolande set a profile picture.12:27:26
4 Jul 2024
@lineararray:matrix.orgLinearArray changed their profile picture.00:00:43
@turinturambar199823:matrix.orgturin turambar joined the room.11:29:52
6 Jul 2024
@mr_zanza:matrix.orgmr_zanza joined the room.03:01:13
@mr_zanza:matrix.orgmr_zanza set a profile picture.03:09:07
10 Jul 2024
@real_me:matrix.orgreal_me joined the room.19:01:31
13 Jul 2024
@lemonkee:matrix.orglemonkee joined the room.16:47:55
23 Jul 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their display name from eden to confluentDemiurge.16:44:05
25 Jul 2024
@chessbook:matrix.orgchessbook joined the room.09:11:20

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