
nRF Rust

254 Members
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28 Jun 2024
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaio "first time contribs" is still annoying, because it requires approval each time the contributor pushes to the PR. it only stops after the PR is merged. 13:38:16
@jamesmunns:beeper.comJames Munnschanged, at some point I should step down as an admin tho.13:38:17
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaioci is broken :(13:39:40
@fuse117:matrix.orgfuse117whats the process for publishing to crates-io14:22:50
@alessiodionisi:matrix.org@alessiodionisi:matrix.org left the room.15:59:35

rolling forward svd2rust resolves the deprecated lints, but seems to introduce a whole bunch of new issues. a hack fix could be

pub fn clean_generation() {
    for (pac, _target) in PACS {
        let crate_dir = format!("pacs/{}-pac", pac);

        cmd!("sed -i '/#!\\[deny(const_err)\\]/d' {crate_dir}/src/lib.rs")
        cmd!("sed -i '/#!\\[deny(private_in_public)\\]/d' {crate_dir}/src/lib.rs")

ran after generate()

@fuse117:matrix.orgfuse117 *

rolling forward svd2rust resolves the deprecated lints, but seems to introduce a whole bunch of new issues. a hack fix could be

pub fn clean_generation() {
    for (pac, _target) in PACS {
        let crate_dir = format!("pacs/{}-pac", pac);

        cmd!("sed -i '/#!\\[deny(const_err)\\]/d' {crate_dir}/src/lib.rs")
        cmd!("sed -i '/#!\\[deny(private_in_public)\\]/d' {crate_dir}/src/lib.rs")

ran after generate()

@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaioWe should check build times. The Pacs build quite slow, and I think Pacs from newer svd2rust build even slower. 16:55:10
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaioAnd there's breaking changes 😅16:55:36
@fuse117:matrix.orgfuse117 how do you measure the build times? locally, all the PACs build in 40 s for me. i moved the test build in test to an xtask to make the local builds more ergonomic. time cargo xtask build 18:22:13
@fuse117:matrix.orgfuse117 * how do you measure the build times? locally, all the PACs build in 40 s for me. i moved the test build to an xtask to make the local builds more ergonomic. time cargo xtask build 18:22:42
@fuse117:matrix.orgfuse117 * how do you measure the build times? locally, all the PACs build in 40 s for me. i moved the test build to an xtask to make building locally more ergonomic. time cargo xtask build 18:22:58
1 Jul 2024
@nerwalt:matrix.orgnerwalt joined the room.20:13:35
@nerwalt:matrix.orgnerwalti pushed some of the changes i mentioned above (under fuse117) https://github.com/nrf-rs/nrf-pacs/pulls20:14:52
12 Jul 2024
@nerwalt:matrix.orgnerwalt what needs to be done to get the nrf9120 (nrf9151) support into nrf-pacs? 18:40:49
13 Jul 2024
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaioreviewed, merged, released 🚀07:04:01
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaio i've been able to add the all team but not the nrf91 team 07:05:37
[dirbaio@mars nrf9120-pac]$ cargo owner --add github:nrf-rs:all 
    Updating crates.io index
       Owner team github:nrf-rs:all has been added as an owner of crate nrf9120-pac
[dirbaio@mars nrf9120-pac]$ cargo owner --add github:nrf-rs:nrf91
    Updating crates.io index
error: failed to invite owners to crate `nrf9120-pac` on registry at https://crates.io

Caused by:
  the remote server responded with an error (status 403 Forbidden): only members of a team or organization owners can add it as an owner
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaiono idea why07:06:23
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaioit does exist on gh07:06:34
16 Jul 2024
@diondokter:matrix.orgdiondokterOh hey, the docs for DECT NR+ of the nrf91 is online now: https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrfxlib/nrf_modem/doc/dectphy.html Seems to much lower level than the cellular APIs08:05:00
@jamesmunns:beeper.comJames MunnsDo you know anyone actually using DECT these days? I feel like it's a weird EU standard, but I don't think I've ever seen a product based on it :p08:16:14
@jamesmunns:beeper.comJames Munnshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGxnUh3jCg4 tho seems to be targeting factory/warehouse/city applications, so maybe I'm just not the market for it :D08:19:13
@diondokter:matrix.orgdiondokterFrom what I read about it, it looks kinda cool! It falls a bit between LoRa and LTE. It's part of the 5G standard AFAIK. Also DECT NR+ != DECT08:50:37
@thejpster:matrix.orgthejpsterDECT was a good technology, and Wi-Fi is absolute bollocks in comparision.17:43:30
@thejpster:matrix.orgthejpstersource: worked at a company with their own in-house DECT stack, which they used to make commercial audio products for clients. Also we all had DECT phones and not once did you ever notice any latency or dropped packets or issues handing-off between base stations as you roamed around a large campus. That shit just works.17:44:18
@thejpster:matrix.orgthejpsterNo idea how much of DECT they put in DECT NR+.17:44:26
23 Jul 2024
@nerwalt:matrix.orgnerwaltis anyone using encrypted firmware on nordic chips? with embassy? if so, what is the process like? is it a good experience?16:57:32

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