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7 Feb 2025
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowNo I don't hate those22:54:49
@irc_dbbs|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgdbbs|LC omg those are so cute Rampoina 22:57:11
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMOooh, I think I understand now why the AI gave stupid answers from time to time. Seems the problem is that the prompts were in German and sometimes it had difficulties to translate that. Well … sometimes it thinks in Germand and answers in German, but now at least once it obviously thought in English and had difficulties to translate German, so it barely translated one stentence and tried to guess what it has to do.22:58:27
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMThough that kinda was the point. I wrote German to make it harder 😅22:59:34
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaanthropomorphizing AIs22:59:49
@irc_L29Ah:matrix.f-hub.orgL29Ah Baŝto: if you want to feed different languages to LLMs, you better have their prompts to be in the same language 23:02:23
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMThat’s not possible23:02:47
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMall libraries use English words for their functions etc23:03:10
@irc_L29Ah:matrix.f-hub.orgL29Ah that is possible if you self-host or otherwise don't use an artificially constrained model hosting 23:03:12
@irc_L29Ah:matrix.f-hub.orgL29Ahoh, for code yeah, better stick to english23:03:28
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMfor a long time it worked23:04:05
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMAt some point it started to write comments in English, which is probably what confuseses newer runs. And those who wrote English comments maybe confused because I fed them the "normal" English docs.23:05:32
@irc_L29Ah:matrix.f-hub.orgL29Ahhow do you feed them docs?23:06:03
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMI’m using continue.dev plugin for vscodium. With @Python it adds the online docs and they don’t even have a German translation, but I really paid no attention to that at all. continue.dev might tell it things in English in the background via systemmessage or by adding stuff to the prompt23:08:52
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoM but the confused one I saw now was regular ollama run with a "`packmann.py`: ```python\n$(cat packmann
.py)```" at the end
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMAnd inside vscodium I didn’t see what it thought. Continue has a chatbox where I would see that. But I mostly used code edits, which don’t show me the response and alter the file directly23:11:41
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMOr rather … it’s similar to how vscodium would show merge conflicts. For every changed block I have the option to accept the changes or reject them and stick with the original code23:13:10
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoM * but the confused one I saw now was regular ollama run with a "\packmann.py`: ```python\n$(cat packmann
.py)```"` at the end
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1changed room power levels.23:17:16
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoM Seems continue handles files etc very differently from what I’d do in ollama run. The site says: All references will be attached as context items, rather than injected directly inline. 23:31:34
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoM😐️ continue can even generate commit messages and github issues23:35:14
8 Feb 2025
@irc_sebbu:matrix.f-hub.orgsebbuvcpkg can too, using the gh cli tool00:22:13
@irc_[|LC:matrix.f-hub.org[|LCI have never seen raccoons outside of a zoo except in canada (where they are everywhere), and also one guy in a park in minsk who had a raccoon01:09:04
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqas I said, dbbs should move to canada. raccoons are cute :p02:03:46
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqhe just needs to find a job in a lumbermill02:04:19
@irc_dbbs|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgdbbs|LC povoq just because I look like a lumberjack doesn't make it true >:O 02:44:06
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqyour dream, not mine 🤷️02:44:42
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️test05:16:42
@blenderdumbass:tchncs.deblenderdumbassRamble about how good Michael Bay is: https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/michael_bay_is_a_properly_good_director_and_i_will_stand_by_it_because_it_is_true05:47:56

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