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9 Oct 2024
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LChttps://store.steampowered.com/app/2475490/Mouthwashing/ LMAO what a horrible description22:41:19
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC erle: which shampoo are you using ? Head & shoulders has many probably 22:45:12
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LClook the true answer is obviously hormones22:46:41
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCand vitamin D22:46:45
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCI take 25000 iu of vitamin D every two weeks if these vitabay bottles are to be believed22:48:19
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCspecing do you know TRANSMETROPOLITAN?22:50:30
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCit is a comic about journalism22:51:58
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCreal journalism22:52:00
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCa lot of people think journalism is when you do not commit crimes22:52:07
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCthey are wrong22:52:10
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCreal journalism is when you commit really good crimes22:52:16
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LC and don't get caught 22:52:20
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCthe guy you are seeing does not uuse a gun22:52:31
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCkilling is not his style22:52:32
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LChe has a bowel disruptor22:52:35
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCpeople in his way start shitting himself when targeted22:52:47
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC ah imgur i don't open that 22:53:55
@irc_[|LC:matrix.f-hub.org[|LCerle: why do you link to imgur instead of rimgo?22:54:23
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCi do not know rimgo22:54:32
@irc_erle|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgerle|LCimgur is a malware host yes22:54:35
* @irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC wakes up Tito22:59:24
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMnooooooo … my camera is stupid23:04:06
@basxto:ccc-ffm.debasxtoMa sensible thing would be to have the time when recording started being CreateDate and when it stopped being ModifyDate … instead it’s both set when recording stops23:06:21

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