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28 Jul 2021
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy The only pro of arch is AUR, but MPR and Pacstall exists 15:23:00
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Fedora just works, it's really polished and it has new packages

Arch is kinda tricky, but it has the great documentation, the AUR and the newest packages

Is there any difference between the two specifically for gaming?
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 Personally I have never been able to install Arch correctly 😄 15:24:22
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy You'll get latest Steam and Lutris and Wine and Proton versions on Arch 15:24:26
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo And not on Fedora? 15:24:38
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo I just used archinstall, not sure if I'm missing something by doing that 15:24:57
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy Arch is more bleeding edge. Fedora will be a little slow. 15:24:59
@_discord_693651538308104243:t2bot.ioRoo79x Just out of curiosity. Are there any sim racing fans here?. If you are. What's your experience with sim racing games on Linux? My friends play iRacing, Automobilista, Assetto Corsa, rfactor, F1. Games like that. But they all game on windows. They are not convinced that sim racing on Linux will ever be any good. Or at least as compatible with wheels etc. Some of them have quite elaborate and expensive rigs 15:25:07
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 Yes!!!!!!!!!! 15:25:23
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 I love racing games 15:25:30
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Thanks, it's a very hard choice 15:25:36
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy Go with Fedora it's more polished 15:25:51
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy Arch may break sometimes 15:25:57
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 F1 , Horizon, dirt & nfs 15:26:03
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Oh is it something that happens? 15:26:24
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy Yes users tinker with system and it causes errors. It's mostly problem caused by users not by Arch team itself 15:26:56
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 I should try fedora 15:27:27
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy Like messing with Boot partition. Not installing all updates together. Partial updates. 15:27:35
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Fedora is great, also silverblue which is what I'm using now 15:27:52
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 what means silverblue the latest distro name? 15:28:20
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy NixOS is like silverblue but uses nix in place of flatpaks 15:28:38
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Silverblue is a version of Fedora where the OS is immutable 15:28:40
@_discord_693651538308104243:t2bot.ioRoo79x Cool. Although as I keep getting told by my friends. Horizon and nfs are not Sim Racing 🤣. They even get upset if I call iRacing a game lol. 15:28:43
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy Immutable version of Fedora 15:28:52
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo I've never tried that one 15:28:59
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ionarutoxy It's my daily driver and you can backup system with a single configuration file 15:29:19
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Sounds cool 15:29:46
@_discord_214309004548112384:t2bot.ioBuonHobo Linux is so fucking cool 15:29:52
@_discord_869953899036020736:t2bot.ioTuga2k20 Your right on that! Sim game is something that imitates reality 15:30:28
@_discord_693651538308104243:t2bot.ioRoo79x I like to poke fun at them about that. 15:31:09

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