
Project Ideas - Medway Makers

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www.medwaymakers.com - Ideas for projects3 Servers

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23 Mar 2021
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuyhas the address changed?10:00:27
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuyRun Fing and see what address it comes up with10:00:36
@sones:matrix.orgTomno, showing on fing10:00:40
@sones:matrix.orgTomI will start again, re-flash etc10:00:58
@sones:matrix.orgTomwill let you know10:01:41
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuy Day off Tom Sparrow ? 10:01:57
@sones:matrix.orgTom yes, \0/ 10:02:22
@sones:matrix.orgTomall is well, no idea what was wrong before, oh well. thanks anyway. 10:45:21
@sones:matrix.orgTomnow that I'm set up on a pi3, when my pi zero arrives, I should be able to swap the SD card over and apart from the IP changing, the WIFI should work.10:47:51
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuyI don't think that will work - different hardware11:54:44
@sones:matrix.orgTomokay, will let you know. should be here tomorrow, pimoroni are quick20:22:06
@pangalactic:matrix.orgImogenWrenI have a USB hub with a micro adaptor just for programming pi zeros, but its a PITA and flakey AF. I feel like they would be 1000x more useful if they had an ethernet adaptor built in.22:08:46
24 Mar 2021
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuy So Tom Sparrow what is this 'Plant Monitor' anyway ? 15:03:06
@sones:matrix.orgTomLyndsey and i have go into house plants, so i had to use a bit of tech too, pimoroni's grow hat mini has arrived today. Will set it up when I get in. 15:06:39
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuyAhh I see, it tells you when they need watering15:11:19
@sones:matrix.orgTomEven though different plants need different moisture levels, hopefully it gives a percentage15:12:32
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuyI'm sure you can set that in the software15:16:14
26 Mar 2021
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuy This looks like your kind of project Tom Sparrow 10:06:58
In reply to @TheArduinoGuy:matrix.org
This looks like your kind of project Tom Sparrow
Definitely, i need to make reminders for everything these days
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuyI was more thinking of the retro radio look of it than your memory loss 😆13:51:10
27 Mar 2021
@sones:matrix.orgTomI'm guessing to let Sonnys friend on our Minecraft server i just open a port and send him the ip address of the raspberry pi its running on? Is this safe ? 12:13:14
@sb2404:matrix.orgsb2404 Tom Sparrow : we do that sometimes - although I make sure to shut the server down where they’re not playing 12:27:17
In reply to @sb2404:matrix.org
Tom Sparrow : we do that sometimes - although I make sure to shut the server down where they’re not playing
Great thanks mate.
31 Mar 2021
@alxtrnr:matrix.orgalxtrnr joined the room.10:25:57
@alxtrnr:matrix.orgalxtrnr set a profile picture.10:36:25
@TheArduinoGuy:matrix.orgTheArduinoGuy Project idea for Tom Sparrow 11:10:32

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