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12 Mar 2017
@ratot:matrix.orgratotjust tell me about your phone number and i will come personaly21:32:36
@176221:matrix.orgassa0176 5310464621:33:13
@176221:matrix.orgassathere you go21:33:15
@ratot:matrix.orgratotnext time use your finger21:33:34
@ratot:matrix.orgratoti can see the cum on your keyboard from here21:33:41
@176221:matrix.orgassaand if you don't know how to call to germany, you need to add +49 and drop the first 021:33:58
@ratot:matrix.orgratotof couse if know21:34:47
@ratot:matrix.orgratotits basic phisics knowledge21:35:01
@176221:matrix.orgassaare you even 16?21:36:15
@ratot:matrix.orgratothere we go21:36:52
@ratot:matrix.orgratotthey are all the same21:36:58
@176221:matrix.orgassayou sound like you have school to attend tomorrow :^)21:37:34
@ratot:matrix.orgratottomorrow i set your home on fire21:38:26
@ratot:matrix.orgratotmother included21:38:29
@176221:matrix.orgassai don't live at home, nice try21:39:10
@176221:matrix.orgassaunlike you i live by myself, not even in the same country as my family21:39:24
@ratot:matrix.orgratotimplying where you live is not your home21:39:54
@176221:matrix.orgassaare you offering hdb invites now too21:44:04
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.org joined the room.21:44:17
@ratot:matrix.orgratotit's part of larger plan you see21:44:22
@ratot:matrix.orgratotyou wouldn't understand21:44:27
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orglogchecker is hacked21:45:28
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgpth btfo21:45:34
@ratot:matrix.orgratotno one will go into memory or whatever as described by another retarded anon21:45:55
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgit was me21:46:17
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgit is easy21:46:20
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orguse ollydbg21:46:25

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