

45 Members
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13 Mar 2017
@ratot:matrix.orgratotbut how how do i get into mam23:49:32
14 Mar 2017
@JonStone:matrix.org@JonStone:matrix.org joined the room.02:30:34
@Stuur_naaktfotos:matrix.orgOwO@ratot take the super easy interview21:52:11
@Stuur_naaktfotos:matrix.orgOwOwew lad21:52:13
15 Mar 2017
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.org joined the room.16:23:27
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgwhat's a good video game public tracker16:23:38
@ratot:matrix.orgratoteasy, can you get on it: no16:24:06
@ratot:matrix.orgratotthis kind of stupid question get a direct downvote, if only i could16:24:52
@ratot:matrix.orgratotat least i can tell you how stupid you are16:25:16
Looking for a good torrent site for children's TV
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgwhat's a good torrent site for video games20:33:12
@ratot:matrix.orgratotfuck you20:33:44
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgwho are u talking to20:34:45
@ratot:matrix.orgratotwho do you think you are little shit20:35:05
@ratot:matrix.orgratotbe a big boy20:35:16
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgwhats a good video game torrent site20:35:19
@ratot:matrix.orgratotand stop watching children tv20:35:30
@ratot:matrix.orgratotipt is a good video game torrent site20:35:39
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgwhat children tv20:35:40
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgi will check ipt thanks u are kind man20:36:41
@ratot:matrix.orgratotcheck fast and never look back son20:37:06
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgwhat u meaning20:38:35
@ratot:matrix.orgratotu wouldn't understand20:38:50
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgi think i would hah20:42:11
@ratot:matrix.orgratotgood mindset, it's great20:42:44
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgthank you :)20:44:54
@ratot:matrix.orgratotsee you on ipt20:46:24
@ratot:matrix.orgratotchanged room power levels.20:46:42
16 Mar 2017
@Stuur_naaktfotos:matrix.orgOwO changed their profile picture.00:51:17
@jff_:matrix.org@jff_:matrix.orgis there any good tracker for video game?23:29:38

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